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Meeting Minutes <br />Page two. <br />Comprehensive Plan for the City and explained the added costs or <br />over -runs. They related to four causes: <br />a. Necessity for an inventory, <br />b. City Council was not involved enough or gave proper directions, <br />C. Necessity of reprinting report, and <br />d. Attendance at extra hearings. <br />He explained that the added cost of technical assistance was for study <br />related to I-94, review of 3M's IEA study, Washington County Sewer <br />Plan, Regional Park study, Metro System Statement and a "catch-all" <br />comprehensive work. <br />To maintain better control of expenditures, he suggested the following: <br />1) That all pre -application conference be part of the monthly <br />retainer fee of $600. <br />2) That Midwest present a cost estimate before undertaking any <br />study or special project. <br />3) Do special studies or projects under a cost increment or lim- <br />ited cost contact with authority vested in one individual who <br />can authorize next increment or added cost over -run. <br />4) Require a pre -deposit to cover any pass thru costs on part of <br />individual. <br />No council taken on outstanding invoice or recommended course of action <br />resolving this matter. <br />Lake Elmo J.C.'s.: M. Johnson and L. Lancaster approached the City <br />Council on behalf of the J.C.'s of Lake Elmo with <br />suggestions of better utilization of the Council <br />Chambers by rearrangement of furniture, mounting <br />a projection screen, and realignment of light <br />switching. On a motion by Councilman Shervheim, <br />seconded by Mayor Armstrong, to permit the Lake <br />Elmo J.C.'s to undertake modification of the Coun- <br />cil Chambers as described and drawen with no lia- <br />bility on behalf of the city, financial or other <br />wise, to proceed at their leisure; also, a key to <br />the Chambers is to be given to the president of the <br />organization who assumes responsibility there of. <br />Carried 5 - 0. <br />City Insurance: V.G. Douglass, agent, Fireside Insurance Center, <br />appeared to make Council aware that certain in- <br />surance policies are about to expire. He also <br />pointed out that the buildings were under insured <br />as per recent appraisals. His figures were, Fire - <br />Hall $98,922 (taken at $26.00/sq.ft. vs. coverage <br />of $43,600) and City office and garage $49,500 <br />(taken at $24.95/sq.ft. vs. coverage of $23,000). <br />