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Pg. 2 <br />Council Meeting - September 20, 1977 <br />property vacated.As of this date no action has been taken <br />so counsel will issue summons and complaint. <br />Patrolman Dale Furstenberg: Advised that there has been some problems <br />locating residences because of the lack of house number <br />identification. This regulationis covered in the Municipal <br />Code Section 403.020. This information should be included <br />in the next newsletter and passed on to the news media. <br />DOGS:Does not feel that city is getting full benefit of the <br />arrangement with MAPSI. <br />PARKING ON COUNTY ROAD 17- complaints relative to parking <br />on the county road in the area of the 3M Recreation fields. <br />Information to be transmitted to club officials to instruct <br />members to use the parking area provided and not the road. <br />Joint Powers L-94:Washington County, Woodbury, Afton and Lake Elmo. <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman Pott to <br />authorize Mayor and Clerk to sign the Joint Powers Agree- <br />ment between Washington County, Woodbury, Afton and Lake <br />Elmo covering action taken relative to the I-94 Challenge. <br />For:Shervheim, Pott and Lyons. <br />Against:Armstrong and Morgan. Carried 3-2. <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman Pott <br />authorizing city counsel Raleigh to represent city on law <br />suit filed by Mr Saxe on behalf of Mrs. Bradley. <br />For:Shervheim, Pott and Lyons. <br />Against:Arstrong. Abstained:Morgan Carried 3-1. <br />lst-Immanual-Ideal road project: Counsel advised that six replies had <br />been returned relative to the requested improvement. Three <br />were in favor and three against. <br />Motion by Councilman Morgan 2nd by Councilwoman Lyons that <br />engineer review the plans with the residents and determine <br />if they can come up with a compromise solution. Carried 5-0. <br />VBWD: Mr. Rosas and Mr. Hedges joined with the council to discuss <br />water surface plans. It was agreed that such a program was <br />desired but the age old question kept coming up as to pays <br />the costs. VBWD, at least Mr. Rosas, plan on budgeting <br />for a water management study in the 1978 budget. No final <br />decision except that surface water is a problem and both <br />groups should keep this in mind in planning and zoning. <br />Tri-Lakes Water Study:Mr, Brogren, Mr. LeClair and Mr. Wamar appeared <br />to present their report on well water quality in the Tri- <br />Lakes area. Copy of the written report is on file in the <br />city office. This group would like to be involved when the <br />council makes their decision on how to respond to the <br />Metro Council. <br />42nd St. N. & Lake Jane Trail N. intersection: Engineer Noyes advised <br />that plans were now available. <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman Pott to <br />approve the plans and authorize engineer to solicit bids <br />from Hastings, T.A. Schifsky and Tower Asphalt with the <br />bids to be returned by September 30, 1977. Carried 5-0. <br />Engineer will have report ready for meeting Oct. 4, 1977. <br />