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12-20-77 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-20-77 CCM
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pg. 2 <br />IZini!tes of Lake Elmo City Council Meeting, December 20, 1977 <br />Christmas Light Donation: VFW"? Donation of $100.00 received to help <br />cover costs of new Christmas Street Lights. <br />Lawcon-- Offer for grant for park funds (Reid Park) State $24,000, <br />Federal $48,000. This is not guaranteed but odds <br />are greatly in favor of it being approved. Sug- <br />gestion by clerk that contact be made by Eugene <br />Kindler. Total Lawcon grants possible in 1978 is <br />$105,000. <br />Ken Brackee--White Bear Lake Forester: Mr. Brackee verLal offer to <br />Larry Whittaker is substantially less than the <br />amount budgeted for 1978 for equivalent services <br />from PIr. Beach. This was a question and answer <br />approach which culminated in Mr. Brackee promising <br />to send in a written proposal for council to re- <br />view and make a determination on whether to stay <br />with Mr. Beach or contract with Mr. Bracker. <br />Recessed at 6:00 p.m. Reconvened at 7:15 p.m. <br />John Mueller: Suggested that city consider 300 sq. feet of drainfield <br />as a minimum requirement on any building area. <br />Proposed state and county code calls for only 100 <br />sq. st. per bedroom. Once the state code is adopted <br />this will be the minimum but we can require a larger <br />minimum. A proposed ordinance should be put to- <br />gether by Adm. Assistant for consideration at <br />council meeting January 17, 1978. <br />Records: Bldg. Insp. suggested that city consider the possibility of <br />having all plans microfiched. Possibly use a <br />service and have only a reader available at city <br />office for reviewing plan if necessary. This should <br />be explored as to costs. <br />MIISA-Resolution R77-17: Draft of resolution was considered and amended. <br />Paragraph 1, section 1, line 4 insert "on site" <br />after the word adequate. Line 5 same paragraph <br />insert "on the lots" before in the Old Village Area. <br />Paragraph 2 line 1 remove word "only" after word <br />solved.. <br />Motion by Councilman Pott 2nd by Councilman Shervheim <br />to adopt Resolution R77-17 as amended. A Resolution <br />addressed to the Metropolitan Council describing <br />sewer problems as they exist in the City of Lake <br />Elmo. Carried 5-0. <br />Mayor Trmstroncr voted in favor of resolution but <br />wanted it understood he was not endorsing sewer <br />for Old Village. He voted for it with the under- <br />standing he could review thg })roposal that the "4etro <br />Council sends back to City. <br />
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