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MINUTES -LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, OCT'OBER.3, 1978 pg. 2 <br />Bergman Mining Permit: Matter referred to Ray Marshall to follow up on. <br />Council Meeting Nov. 7: This meeting conflicts with the election.. <br />Since council has to meet within days after the election <br />to canvas the election, it was suggested that the first <br />meeting in November be rescheduled for Nov. 8, 1978. <br />Motion by Mayor Armstrong, 2nd by Councilman Shervheim <br />to reschedule the November 7 regular council meeting to <br />Wednesday, November 8, 1978 at 7:30 p.m., in the council <br />chambers. Carried 5-0. <br />194-Engineer Report: Councilman Pott offered Resolution:R78*-39, a <br />Resolution Approving Plans for 194 (So Called Southern <br />Route) Subject to Certain Conditions and Accepting <br />Ownership and Maintenance Responsibility for Frontage <br />Roads and Bicycle Trails. 2nd® by Councilmanr Shervhei.m. <br />Carried 4-0. Mayor Armstrong abstained not because he <br />objected to the.Southern Route.but.because he objected <br />to,reservations in theā€¢Res6lution. <br />Tartan Park Drainage: 3M-Tartan Park has -proposed installation of a <br />24" culvert between 10th. and llth, fairway. A control <br />device installed to regulate flow or storage. <br />DNR has given intent to approve if they get approval. <br />from the affected units of government. <br />Motion by Mayor Armstrong 2nd by Councilman Shervheim_ <br />to approve Tartan Park culvert installation per sub- <br />mitted .specs. Carried 5-0. <br />208 Sewer Alternatives: Engineer and-Adm. Ass't/--)lave not been able <br />to meet with proper MWC and-PCA'offioials to determine <br />grant availability. Tentative meeting dates are 10/16 <br />10/17/78 which should enable council to discuss sewer <br />options for old village area. <br />Water pumping: Source of water to.pump is not adequate to keep the <br />pump flowing. A trench from-deoper water`to pump area <br />is necessary. Current level is 921.9 permit allows <br />us to coo to 921. Pumping will be stopped for 2 days <br />to allow water to build up and allow crew to complete <br />other duties.. Method of opening trench not resolved. <br />37022-3750: The subject parcel, 50'x2971, was -acquired by the city on <br />a tax delinquency basis. Request has been received to <br />purchase this parcel so adjacent owner can combine and <br />make 1, 2001x2971 lot. Park Committee indicated no <br />interest in this parcel.. <br />;Mayor Armstrong offered Resolution R78-40', A Resolution <br />Releasing lot identified as 37022-3750 to Washington <br />County, indicating city has no need for this property <br />for public purpose and authorize said county to dispose <br />of property. Second by Councilman Shervheim, <br />Carried 5-0. <br />