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Minutes of Lake Elmo City Council Meeting, January 16, 1979. pg. 2 <br />Fire Department Space Needs: cont'd. -- The Building Committee was charged to <br />investigate the need for changing the current drainfield, enclosing <br />the kitchen, assessing space needs for vehicles and hose drying <br />and alternatives for meeting space and Council meeting needs; and <br />asked to report back to the Council February 20, 1979, <br />Mr. Bjorkman reported that the firemen had donated a generator <br />to the Department to bee for flood lights. <br />Fire Department Budget, 1979: Johnson moved, seconded by Morgan, that the Council <br />adopt the detailed 1979 Fire Department Budget as proposed by -the <br />Administrator in his January 9, 1979, memo. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Oakdale Trailers: The Council said it was not interested in the trailers Oakdale <br />now uses for City Offices. <br />City Attorney: Ray Marshall reported Mrs. Reid's attorney was out of town; so, <br />he had taken no steps to change the situation with respect to <br />Reid Park. <br />IIe advised the City to withhold approval of Mn/DOT Agency agree- <br />ment until a project necessitated it. <br />Mn/DOT Technical'and Engineering Assitance Agreement: Mottaz moved, seconded <br />by Armstrong, that the Council adopt Resolution 79-4, a Resolution <br />authorizing the City Engineer to request and obtain technical and <br />engineering assistance from Mn/DOT, at cost; and authorizing the <br />Mayor and the Administrator to execute the Agreement for said <br />,_-services on behalf of`Ob City. Motibn.carried 5-0. <br />1-94 Challenge Lkwsuit: Mr. Marshall reported the State courts would hear our <br />motion to withdraw from the lawsuit February 26; and the Federal <br />court would hear it March 16, He advised the Council that the <br />City would need the unanimous consent of all parties to the Joint <br />Powers Agreement establishing the 1-94 Challenge Committee to <br />withdraw; and that he would request i.t. <br />VBWD Petitions: The Council discussed minor language changes in the Petitions <br />for surface water improvement project to Valley Branch Watershed <br />District; and approved them. Pott moved, seconded by Morgan, <br />that the City encourage VBWD to provide base data to the County <br />.'Planning Department on Eagle Point Lake as soon as it is available; <br />so that the County might determine the need for environmental <br />studies of the effect of the proposed structures. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Mottaz, that the City support the <br />County acquisition of the Nelson property for park and floodway <br />improvement purposes. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, that the City request Oakdale <br />support our petition for improvements to Eagle Point Lake and <br />the sub -watershed tributary to It. Motion carried 5-0, <br />