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Minutes, Lake Elmo City Council; January 1.6, 1979 pg. 3 <br />VBWD Petitions: con0d <br />The Council agreed to review the driveway problems for Hardys in <br />the Spring. <br />Reconveyance of tax -forfeit land (Persons): Armstrong moved, seconded by Pott, that <br />the City adopt Resolution 79-1+A, A Resolution authorizing the recon- <br />veyance of tax forfeit land describad as ALL that part of the SWk of <br />SWk of Section 9, Township 29, Range 21, except the South 111,7 feet <br />of the West 493 feet and except that part thereof lying North of the <br />Lake Jane Trail ( formerly Lake Jane Road) in the Township of East <br />Oakdale, Larry Parsons had eequested an opportunity to purchase <br />the land and agreed to pay all the costs associated with the recon- <br />veyance, Motion carried 5-0. <br />Timmers Minor Subdivision: Armstrong read the recommendation of the Planning Com- <br />mission. Bruce Felt presented the plan for Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Timmers, <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Armstrong, that the subdivision of lots 15 <br />and 16 of Three LakearPerm be approved subject to the following con- <br />ditions; 1). The Timmers execute an agreement providing that they <br />will maintain a private drive at their expense which will be suitable <br />for emergency vehicles, providing for future dedication of an -addi- <br />tional 27 feet of right-of-way on lot 15 and 44 feet of right: -of -way <br />on Lot 16 for future 419t. Street, if it ever becomes necessary for <br />the City; providing one driveway access for the two lot to be created <br />on Lot 15; and providing for reservation of a 120 foot wide area, <br />where no building will be allowed, for future extension of Innsdale <br />to Lake Jane Trail, with an option to vacate 41st, St. if Innsdale <br />is built; and 2) A certificate of survey meeting the standards <br />approved in the concept plan. Motion carried 5-0. <br />St. Croix Valley Youth Service Bureau: haul P. Weiler, Director, requested the <br />City contribute $6,486,00 to the operation of the Youth Service <br />Bureau in 1979, He said the Bureauts cost -sharing formula is based <br />on the entire population of the City as estimated by the Metropolitan <br />Council. He said his Bureau served District 622: but that he would <br />work—out a cooperative agreement with other Bureaus serving other <br />School Districts in the City, if the City&greed to the contribution. <br />Mottaz said Judge Albertson strongly endorsed the work of the Bureaus. <br />The Council discussed the general program and performance of the <br />Bureau; and agreed to take it tinder advisement until the next meeting. <br />The Administrator was asked to Analyze the effect on the City budget. <br />Stillwater Emergency Medical, Services: Tom Cropp, Director, again discussed the <br />subsidy request for ambulance services. He said Lake Elmo rates <br />would have to go up if the City did notArant a subsidy; and that <br />Lake Elmo residents would pay less per call if the City did sub- <br />sidize them and other cities did not. He said he would accept bills <br />from Woodbury if Lake Elmo residents were served by Woodbury°s <br />Ambulance. Lake Elmo tied 126 calls in 1978; and Cropp expects about <br />150 in 1979. He said about 20 percent of the calls are never paid <br />for. Mottaz moved, seconded by Armstrong, to table the request until <br />