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Minutes, Lake Elmo City Council; January 16, 1979 pg. 4 <br />Stillwater Emergency Medical Services, cont'd. <br />February 6, 1979; and instruct the Administrator to assess the <br />possibilities allowed by the City budget. Motion carried 5.0. <br />1-94 Frontage Roada/Mn/DOT plans for 194- Armstrong moved, seconded by Mottsz, <br />to adopt Resolution 79-5, A Resolution of the City of Lake Elmo Approv. <br />ing Mans for interstate Highway 94 (So -Called 1°Southern Routs") <br />su$ject to Certain Conditions and Accepting of Ownership and Mainten <br />once Responsibilities for Frontage Roads and Bicycle Trails, in dis- <br />cussion, the Council discussed the additional cost of the detached <br />frontage roads, the potential effect detached roads might have on <br />future development of the corridor; and the problems bicycle trails <br />adjacent to a freeway might pose. Pott said "frontage"roads are <br />obsolete; and that service roads would better serve the property <br />owners� Johnson and Mottaz said the City would be making decisions <br />for property owners, perhaps well in advance of development. Putt <br />moved that the Resolution be amended to request detached frontage <br />roads to Co. Rd. 19. The amendment failed for lack of a second. <br />Roll Call vote: Johnson, Aye; Morgan, Aye; Mottaz, Aye; Pott, Nay; <br />Armstrong, Aye, Carried 4-1. <br />Johnson moved, seconded by Mottaz, that the Resolution include a <br />condition that the State buy sufficient right-of-way at the curvature <br />of the frontage road just east of the intersection of Co.Rd. 13 and <br />the frontage roads for a safe future extension of a detached road <br />should that become necessary in the future. Motion carried 5-0. <br />The Resolution, in final form, is -attached to and hereby made a <br />part of these minutes. <br />Insurance: The Council agreed to review the insurance specifications and bid in- <br />surance for 1980 <br />City Engineer: The Council agreed to interview Bonestroo, National Biocentric, <br />Short Elliot Hendrickson and TKDA on Saturday for the position of City <br />Engineer <br />Claims: Mottas-moved, seconded by Morgan, that the City pay Claims #78941 to <br />78977 . Motion carried 5.0, <br />Colosimp Variance: Mottaz moved, seconded by Armstrong; that the City grant a <br />Variance to Grace Colosimo to permit construction of a home on a 5 <br />acre parcel that existed prior to the adoption of the Subdivision <br />Ordinance, on Govt. Lot 5, Section 9, with less than 125 feet of <br />frontage on a public street, subject to Planning Commission. review. <br />Motion carried 5-0. (See 2-6 minutes) <br />