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Minutes of the Take Elmo City Council meeting, April 179 1979 -2- <br />Diane Trudeau presented a report on the Commissions progress in 1978, <br />She said the Commission had accomplished 90 percent of its goals. <br />Ed Nielson presented the 1979 program to the Council. He said one of <br />the principle projects is a warming house/concession stand in Lion's <br />Park; and Peter Werner presented a floor plan for that building. The <br />Council commented it might be good to have another exit to the warming <br />house area; and that the storage area shoialdhave a door large enough to <br />get larger equipment in. The Commission intends to let bids for <br />construction on a "design -build" basis. <br />Ed said the Commission wanted to add two items to the 1979 program <br />shown in the annual report: an access to Lake DeMontreville and <br />improvements to the swimming access to Sunfish Park. <br />Peter Werner presented the six year capital improvement plan. <br />Mike Johnson presented the 20 ,year capital program being suggested. <br />Dave Morgan advised the Council that the Jaycees would be putting up <br />a backstop and picnic area in Tablyn Park. <br />Councillor Pott suggested the Commission consider more playgrounds <br />in smaller parks. Some members said they felt the City's larger lots <br />and more rural atmosphere made these small playgrounds less necessary. <br />Mrs. Trudeau announced that the draft plan for the Regional Park would <br />be presented to the Washington County Park Commission Thursday night. <br />VBWD9 RESOLUTION PROJECTS 1003 and 1001t: Thursday, April 129 1979t the City <br />Council adopted Resolution 79-26 withdrawing petitions for Projects <br />1003 and 1004. <br />Valley Branch feels the City acted hastily; and requests they consider <br />reinstating the petitions. ':Ivey desire futher discussion of alternatives <br />and cost. They stated that Tartan Park has problems VBWD cannot solve <br />without these petitions. <br />The City feels it can lower the culvert on Beutal Pond, install a <br />structure on Eagle Point and complete the necessary channel improvements <br />for considerably less than the amount proposed by Valley Branch. The <br />Council believes the Valley Branch proposal is an ultimate solution; <br />Lake Elmo would be underwriting a project benefiting communities to the <br />north that would not be contributing to the cost. Lake .Elmo wants an <br />interm solution, benefiting affected citizens, at a reasonable cost. <br />The Council stated it would consider petitioning for the 3M proposal <br />if 3M would finance it. The City does not desire to reinstate the <br />petitions with the present proposed costs. A special meeting with <br />Valley Branch was set for Monday9 May 13t 1979, at 7:30 p.m. <br />PUBLIC INQUIRIES - BERGMAN: Did not appear. <br />