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Minutes of the Lake F1mo City Council meeting, April 179 1979 -3- <br />ENGINEERS RWORT: A. Irvin Court Project - The estimated cost for the im- <br />provement, including the easement acquistion is $G8,700. 'his is <br />adequate to handle a 211 rainfall. To increase capacity to handle a 3" <br />rainfall, including culverts and easement acquistion is $8169600. The <br />engineer recommended the $8,700 improvement. <br />Area residents stated no drainage problems existed before Irvin Court <br />and that the developer should be totally responsible for the cost of <br />the improvement. They desire recommendation of the larger project. <br />The Council agreed this would be better. The Hhgineer and the Adminis- <br />trator will meet with Bruce Folz end propose the $$16,600 project. <br />The Council reviewed a letter from Mollie hedges, requesting replacement <br />of two suveyor stakes removed by City crews working near their property. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Armstrong to hire a surveyor to replace the <br />stakes removed by the City, on the south and southwest corners of the <br />Hedges property. Motion carried 5-0. <br />B. Fire Hall - A Preliminary Plan for the proposed fire hall addition <br />was reviewed by the Council and the firemen. <br />*Note - Councilman Pott left for a fire call at 9:15 p.m. <br />BREAK: 9:15 p.m. <br />C. N.W. Bell Permits - Permit requests were presented to the Council <br />r for review. The Engineer will review these permits in the future. <br />D, Improvement Bonds - Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan to set the <br />improvement bonds for DeMontreville 5th and. 6th Additions at the amount <br />determined by the Ligineer. Carried 5-0. <br />The Lhgineer recommended approval of the plans and specifications for <br />DeMontreville 5th. Addition. The Council. will review these and act at <br />the next meeting. <br />The Engineer was instructed to submit a :cost estimate for a booklet <br />establishing standards for public improvements. He will have this for <br />the next meeting. <br />IS: A. L. Anderson - Lenard Anderson is protesting his tax valuation <br />for 197�f_ff9. 7'he County will prosoute if the City chooses not <br />to do so. The Administrator was instructed to write the County Auditor <br />and inform him that the City desires the County handle this matter. <br />BB, 1st and Dmnanuel - .An agreement has been negotiated, but due to <br />additional work the cost is higher than originally agreed upon. A <br />date willte set at the next meeting to hold the assessment hearing. <br />CC, 1978 Pumping - The Council agreed to allow contigious parcels to <br />be combined providing they comprise only one building site. A date for <br />the assessment hearing will be set at the next meeting. <br />