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05-15-79 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-15-79 CCM
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City of Lake Elmo City Council Minutes, May 15, 1979 -2- <br />COUNCIL REPORTS: Morgan reported the cost of fencing the Lion's <br />Park ball field with chain link fence will be about <br />$2.,400. The money has been appropriated from the Park <br />Fund. <br />Pott suggested the City Council approve the 1.979 Park <br />Fund Budget. This will be taken up at the next meeting. <br />DINNER BREAK: Ben's Elmo Inn - 6:30 to 7:30 <br />PUBLIC INQUIRIES: A, Lake Elmo Baptist Church - Jack Holmes of <br />Vanman Construction and Bill Hargess, Lake Elmo Baptist <br />Church presented the plans for Phase I. They requested <br />the Council inform them of any conditions or additions <br />needed for final approval. The driveway landing to the <br />north was questioned, also the type and size of trees <br />used for screening, Mr. Holmes indicated the building <br />may be moved to the east. If this is done approval will <br />have to be given. <br />Armstrong moved, Morgan seconded, to approve the plan <br />with the provision the driveway landing meet the spec- <br />ifications drawn by the engineer; trees are to be large <br />enough to provide immediate screening. If the building <br />is moved from the proposed site plan, it will be subject <br />to the approval of the City Engineer.. Motion carried 4-0. <br />B. Racquet Ball Court - Charles Gifford and Robert Wagner <br />The proposed structure was reviewed by the Council. Mr. <br />Gifford has secured an easement from Mr. Holiday, the <br />adjoining property owner, for additional drainfield area. <br />The property is not large enough to show two drainfield <br />sites, The engineer questioned the ponding in the high- <br />way right-of-way. The Council agreed on the concept; but <br />suggested Mr. Gifford consider purchasing additional prop- <br />erty for a second drainfield and ponding. It was recommended <br />Mr. Gifford meet with the engineer and sewer inspector <br />to discuss the drainage and septic questions. <br />C. Gilbert Meyer - City Lot - The City has a 50' x 65' <br />piece of land on Lake Elmo Avenue that is in front of <br />the Meyer parcel. Mr. Meyer disires to sell his parcel <br />and is requesting the City include their piece. Mayor <br />Armstrong suggested the City have their parcel appraised <br />at the same time as Meyers. The cost can be split based <br />on square footage or on the value of the City parcel. <br />The city will consider selling the piece after the ap- <br />praisal and when a buyer approaches the City. <br />D. Cash Values- Park Donations - The Administrators memo <br />of May 8',, 979, outlines the park donations received, and <br />par], donations proposed under the new percentage formula. <br />Previously, park donations for Springborn's Green Acres, <br />Eden Park II, and Tri-Star Addition, were miscalculated <br />under Green Acre valuation. <br />Armstrong moved, Morgan seconded that the new formula be <br />applied to Springborn's Green Acres, Eden Park II, and <br />Tri-Star Addition, per Administrators memo of May 8, 1979, <br />to the higher of the following: <br />
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