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09-04-79 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-04-79 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, September. 4, 1979 <br />-3- <br />B. Pepi_n__Siite and Building Plan Approval - The Council questioned if <br />( io- naI Iana were available. Mr. epan was not present, but <br />previously indicated it was not. The present parcel is 0 to 3/4 acre <br />and barely meets the set -back now. He will need 300 sq. ft. of drain - <br />field; the request indicates 200 sq6 ft. A primary concern of the <br />Council is access. 36th and 35th Streets are presently used as <br />residential access and are not improved streets. Material deliveries <br />to the business will be made via 35th Street. Semi's would be backing <br />in from County 17. The structure would act as a restriction in the <br />stream bed; this could cause water back-up on area property. The <br />Council expresses the following concerns: the building is 11squeezed11 <br />on the property, the drainfield is not adequate, 36th and 35th Streets <br />are substandard, and the structure poses a restriction in the streambed. <br />The engineer said the site is marginal with all the improvements. No <br />perc tests have been taken. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Mottaz, to deg site and building approval <br />for the following reasons: 1. 35th and 36th Streets are inadequate <br />for handling the amount of traffic proposed; and trucks backing up and' <br />loading cannot be handled on site. 2. The area for drainfield is <br />limited; and may not be adequate -tr the required two drainfield sites <br />as business expands. 3. The structure is altering the present stream - <br />bed. 4. The lot is too samll for the use intended. 5. Downstream <br />drainage systems are not adequate to handle the additional run-off. <br />The City Council will reconsider this request if Mr. Pepin can solve <br />these problems. Motion carried 5-0. <br />C. Boat Speed Ordinance - The times of operation in the text should <br />rea o person bad" operate place or maintain any motor boat in <br />or upon any lake in said City between the hours of 8p.m. and 10 a.m. <br />at a speed greater than 5 miles per hour or at a speed sufficient to <br />produce a wake. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Armstrong, to adopt Ordinance 7809 as cor- <br />rected. Motion carried 5-0. <br />D. Hed es Easement - Mottaz moved, seconded by Johnson, to approve the <br />5 `nT-Tffff9Wnt with Hedges. Motion carried 4-1. Morgan opposed. <br />Mogrem will begin the work as soon as he gets the Councils go ahead. <br />ENGINEERS REPORT: <br />Engineer agreed to the release. <br />gravel. The <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Armstrong, to approve the bond release for <br />Springborn's Green Acres and Foxfire Estates. The amount for S ringgborn's <br />Green Acres is $35,119.38. The amount for Fox£ire Estates is $M,000. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />C. Tablyn Park II Bond Release and Park Donation - The park donation <br />in the addition. <br />The Engineer and developer are meeting on Friday to discuss this. <br />Johnson moved seconded by Morgan to accept the improved walkway as <br />fulfillment of the park donation fbr Tablyn Park II. Motion carried 5-0. <br />The Administrator will tell the Building Inspector to check for <br />erosion on the steep banks. Also, some provisions should be made in <br />Building Permits, making the builder or homeowner responsible for <br />curb damage caused by cement trucks and other heavy vehicles and <br />street clean-up caused by lot erosion. This erosion can be corrected <br />by use of hay bails. <br />D. Drainage Improvements - Jane Road Flume and Ditch Improvements <br />,ngiL� "Weer BBo rer repor e that Schifsky has completed 60 to 75o of <br />the work. This should be completed by the next meeting, payment will <br />than be due. <br />Hardy Driveway - The Engineer has contacted four excavators for bids. <br />
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