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02-19-80 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-19-80 CCM
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MINUTES, LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL February 19, 1980 <br />page five <br />(Oakdale Plan, continued) <br />4. The bike trails should fit into the County and Regional <br />framework, as Lake Elmo plans no trails except that which <br />might be imposed on the City by Mn/DOT along I-94. The <br />trail on 15th street may not be appropriate as the County <br />intends to abandon 15th when the Regional Park is developed. <br />5. The Council encouraged Oakdale to consider the ability of <br />the downstream system to handle projected surface water run-off <br />in their surface water plan. The administrator is to remind <br />Oakdale that Lake Elmo is trying to keep the rate and volume <br />of run-off at pre -development levels. <br />The plan is in all other ways acceptable to the City of Lake Elmo. <br />E. Mahtomedi Comp. Plan - The Council agreed the only concern <br />over this proposed plan is surface water run-off. The Administrator <br />is to write to Mahtomedi expressing our desire that they hold the <br />rate and volume of surface water run-off to pre --development levels. <br />F. Business Plan - Whittaker advised the Council that he had met <br />with Laura Fraser, of the Businessmen's Association, and indicated <br />he would like them to work with the Planning Commission on an over- <br />dl plan for the business district. <br />48 HOUR PARKING ORDINANCE: Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, that <br />the City adopt ORDINANCE 7904, an Ordinance limiting parking to <br />48 hours. Motion carried 5-0. <br />CONTRACT WITH BRUCE ROSENAU for Building Inspector/Code Enforcement <br />Officer: Whittaker explained the terms and conditions of the <br />contract. Pott asked that eligibility for compensatory time <br />be decided by the City Administrator, that a limit of $200.00 <br />per year be placed on the allowance for education; and that <br />the City's personnel policies be referenced on the last page. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, that the City accept the <br />contract as amended and authorize the Mayor and Administrator <br />to sign it on behalf of the City. Motion carried 5-0. <br />HONORARIUM, LOU BRACKE: Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, to grant <br />2/3 of a $50.00 honorarium to Lou Bracke for his assitance in <br />testing and interviewing the candidates for Code Enforcement <br />Officer; the balance to be paid by Mahtomedi. Motion carried 5-0. <br />SHORELAND ORDINANCE: Consdieration postponed until March 4, 1980. <br />VALLEY BRANCH WATERSHED DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Morgan moved, <br />seconded by Pott, to recommend the reappointment of Charles <br />Taylor to the Committee. Motion carried 5-0. <br />COMBINED FEES: Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, that the City adopt <br />a policy permitting the Administrator to charge the one largest fee <br />when a party is applying for two permits or actions which can be <br />handled as one application for notification, hearing, and adrdnistrat ve <br />purposes. Motion carried 5-0. <br />
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