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10-29-80 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-29-80 CCM
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SPECIAL LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, OCTOBER 29, 1980 -2- <br />LEGION POND: The Building Inspector has inspected the septic systems <br />along Legion Avenue that were threatened by the pond. The Code <br />r states that systems that do not meet the regulations must be <br />l up -graded within 90 days after.notification. <br />When the Legion Pond Project was ordered the petitioning residents <br />were given seven months to bring their systems into compliance; if <br />it was deemed necessary. The Council agreed the residents should <br />still be given an.extension. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Armstrong, to grant a variance from <br />the Code requirement that septic systems not complying with the <br />City Code must be upgraded within 90 days; and extend the repair <br />time to July 1, 1981 to those systems on Legion Pond that are <br />functioning and do not pose a health hazard. This extension will <br />not apply to Jeff Burgoyne, whose system was deemed not functional <br />and a health hazard by the Building Inspector. Motion carried 4-0-1. <br />Mottaz arrived at 7:05 and abstained on the vote. <br />LICENSES: Armstrong moved, seconded by Novak, to approve the following <br />licenses: Gene Swanson, Pulumbing, 2572 7th St., North St. Paul; <br />and Spring Heating, 10350 St. Croix Tr., Stillwater. Motion <br />carried 5-0. <br />LITTLE SUNFISH: Engineer Bohrer reviewed the petition, the <br />feasibility study, the potential problems, his recommendations <br />and Cimarron's action to prevent flooding of the Cimarron <br />treatment plant. He reviewed the action of the City Council <br />to lower Little Sunfish; and reported Valley Branch voted to <br />table any action -on -the City's-permit—application until a joint <br />meeting was held between all concerned bodies. <br />The Engineer outlined three proposed pumping projects with varying <br />time frames including a $15,750, 25 day project to pump the water <br />along County 70 the the West Lakeland Storage Site #1. The City <br />has sevured permission from property owners west of County 15 to <br />place water on their land. <br />John McPherson, West Lakeland Supervisor, does not think the <br />storage pit can handle the 60 acre feet of water. Discussion <br />followed on the water quality of the water going downstream. <br />Dave Swanson, West Lakeland Board Chairman, said the -people <br />downstream are going to be flooded out; and if the water is <br />pumped into Horseshoe it will be diasterous to nearby residents. <br />Steven Taylor, Cimarron, reitterated his statements on water <br />quality now vs quality if the plant floods. Cimarron can do <br />nothing more "today" to prevent flooding in the spring of 1981, <br />when sewage will mix with Sunfish Lake. The Council offered to <br />store additional water on Eagle Point to offset the 60 acre feet <br />proposed to be pumped downstream. This met with mixed reaction. <br />Mr. Taylor said they have explored additional storage areas on - <br />site. These can be developed next spring; but will be of no <br />benefit for the 1981 run-off; also, these sites will not hold <br />the 60 acre feet necessary to insure the plant will not flood. <br />Mr. Rosas, Valley Branch, said this answers the Board's question on <br />what Cimarron can do to store additional water on -site. <br />
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