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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DECEMBER 16, 1980 -5- <br />OLD BUSINESS: A. Water Surface Use Ordinance, DNR - The Council <br />reviewed the revised Ordinance. Mike Vruno, Oakdale Councilman, <br />recommended the City reconsider items G and H. Administrator <br />Whittaker suggested amending the wording in Section G. Mottaz <br />said Section H should include identifying the public property <br />on the north end of Lake Demontreville and other areas where <br />the water comes within 10 feet of a public right-of-way. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Armstrong, to amend Items G and H <br />of the Surface Water Use Ordinance to reflect that boats cannot be <br />launched from private property without the permission of the <br />riparian owner and said riparian owner will provide off street <br />parking for such cars and trailers. The amended ordinance will <br />be forwarded to the DNR for review. Motion carried 5-0. <br />B. Shelter Worker - The Council reviewed the recommendation of <br />the Par Comma iss on. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, to authorize the Administrator <br />to hire the shelter workers and advise them of their duties. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />-C. District 834 Advisory Board - Christine M oe expressed an <br />interest in serving on the 834 Advisory Board. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, to appoint Christine Moe, <br />61 Cimarron, as a representative to the District 834 Community <br />Education Advisory Board. Motion carried 5-0. <br />D. Met Council Representative - Armstrong reported that Opal <br />Peterson is not seeking reappointment. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Mottaz, to instruct the Administrator <br />write Governor Quie and urge him to appoint Ed Krueger as a <br />Metropolitan Council Representative. Motion carried 5-0. <br />E. Incompatible Offices - Armstrong reported that the Attorney <br />General's opinion relating to appointment to the Park Board <br />while serving on the City Council does not apply to this Park <br />Advisory Commission, as Lake Elmo has a Park Commission, not a <br />Park Board. Therefore, it was his opinion that these were not <br />incompatible offices. <br />F. Cable TV Cimarron - Administrator Whittaker reported that <br />the Cable Board staff has determined that the cable company <br />operating in Cimarron is in violation of the State Cable law. <br />The Cable Board will act on this matter at their January meeting. <br />The Administrator suggested tabling further discussion until after <br />the Cable Board meeting. The Council agreed. <br />G. Fire Hall Maintenance - Pott reported that the timer on the <br />fire hall siren is faulty. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, to authorize the Administrator <br />to spend up to $200 to replace or repair the Fire Hall siren <br />timer. Motion carried 5-0. <br />