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02-17-81 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-17-81 CCM
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CITY OF LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 17, 1981 -3- <br />C. Councillor Mottaz - Mottaz asked what the current Council <br />( policy is regarding editorial items in the newsletter. it <br />was his understanding that the Newsletter was to be used <br />exclusively to report Council and City news and not available <br />for editorial articles. <br />Mayor Eder asked the Administrator to verify if the City has <br />this type of policy, if not, one should be drafted as Councillor <br />Mottaz suggested. <br />Joint PZC Meeting The Administrator will summarize the items <br />for discussion and outline the 7 per 40 provision for review <br />March 3. lie will ask the Planning Commission to list the <br />issues they would like to discuss, then, draft an agenda and <br />set the joint meeting. <br />D. Councillor Morgan - Tartan Meadows Park Donation - <br />Councillor Morgan, Tom Foster, and Willard Morton, walked <br />over the property to consider park donation sites. Morgan <br />recommended a combination of land and cash. Larry Bohrer <br />and Mr. Foster met and determined there is 1.5A of dry land <br />suitable,in the NE corner, for park. 2.58 acres is required <br />for this plat. Cash will be accepted for the remaining park <br />donation. <br />Fraser asked how land vs cash is determined and how it was <br />applied to this plat. She asked that action on this plat <br />be deferred until Councillor Morgan can respond to these <br />questions. <br />Mr. Morton.,.appealed to the Council to make a decision, stating <br />that during the entire platting process a cash donation was implied. <br />He referred to Councillor Morgan°s recommendation and asked <br />the Council to follow this recommendation. The Council <br />agreed to review the park donation policy; but generally, agreed <br />that the approval of Tartan Meadows should not be delayed <br />provided all the other requirements have been met. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Novak, to approve the recommendation <br />of Councillor Morgan, Park Commission, to accept 1.5 acres <br />of park land in Tartan Meadows with the remaining park donation <br />paid in the amount of $2,735.64. Motion carried 4-0. <br />The Council and Mr. Morton agreed with the $2,533 per acre <br />appraisal. The Council discussed the easements, drainage ways, <br />and walkway through the park area. <br />Novak moved, seconded by Mottaz, to adopt R-81-11, accepting <br />the Preliminary Plat for Tartan Meadows with the easement and <br />_dedications as presented, with_a cul-de-sac provided at <br />the west end of 12th Street. Motion carried 4-0. <br />
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