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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 17, 1981 <br />-2- <br />HRA: The Council supported the assistance program; but had <br />several questions they would like answered before passing <br />( the resolution. The Council dad not want to attest to the <br />need for this program; and did not want to be required to <br />monitor it. <br />Mr. Helgesen said he will get the answers for the Council and <br />come back on April 7. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Fraser, to table any action on the <br />HRA resolution until April 7. Motion carried 5-0. <br />ASSESSMENTS: <br />A. Irvin Court - Administrator Whittaker asked if the Council <br />had any remaining questions on the project or the assessment. <br />Morgan expressed serious reservations about the assessments <br />to residents whose home have been in the area 15 to 20 years, <br />long before Irvin Court and Lake Jane Hills. He did not <br />feel these homes contribute to or benefit from the project. <br />He alsd did not think the residents in Lake Jane Hills should <br />bear the total assessment. It is his opinion that the City <br />is partially responsible for this project. <br />The Council discussed the homes immediately affected by the <br />Lake Jane Hills development. Morgan proposed that the City <br />assume half the obligation and assess the remaining amount. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, to adopt 1t-81-13,to approve <br />payment of the easement cost,,,by the Citv, for .the.Irvin Ct. Project <br />for $2;,00(1. The remaining-$1,831.24 to he assessed <br />to the properties per -the Engineer's Assessment Roster. <br />Discussion: Fraser asked that the motion be clarified. Morgan <br />-explained his proposal, -outlined -the -background -of -the -area, - <br />and explained why he feels there is an inequity to those <br />being assessed. The motion, if passed, would "leave $1,831.24 <br />to be assessed. Fraser asked what implicatuns this would have <br />on assessing other areas, In support of this action, Eder <br />said some of the problem was caused by the construction of <br />Lake Jane Trail in 1960. Adequate drainage was not provided, <br />thus, this is an error the Community has to live with. <br />Novak asked the difference between Irvin Court and Beutel Pond. <br />Morgan said the residents in the Irvin Court area had their <br />own sub -watershed that drained into Lake Jane; and, only after <br />development up stream did this sukr=u�atershed,:ch:an,ge. The water f <br />residents in the.Aeutel Pond watershed drains to 3eutel Pond <br />whereas this -is -.not the case with many of the residents being <br />assessed for the Irvin Court project, The development of Lake <br />Jane Hills is the primary cause of the Irvin Court Project. <br />Motion carried 3-2. Novak and Fraser o,pposed... <br />( B. Little Sunfish Lake- The Council reviewed the Administrator's <br />memo indicating that part of several parcels belong to cdn/DOT. <br />These were not listed as being owned by Mn/DOT on the tax <br />books available to the Citv. <br />