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04-21-81 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-21-81 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />APRIL 21, 1981 -3- <br />ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Kroy•industries - The Engineer reviewed the plans for the <br />Kroy IndustrM planned unit development, in the City of Oakdale, <br />to determine any possible impact on the City of Lake Elmo. The <br />complex consists of 70 acres of commercial/industrial development <br />in the m rtheast quadrant of I-694 and County 70, adjacent to Lake <br />Elmo. The Engineer reviewed the proposal on the basis of drainage <br />and traffic impact on the City and made the following observations <br />and recommendations: <br />1. The City of Lake Elmo objects to any additional runoff leaving <br />the site and entering Lake Elmo. The proposed flow of 50cfs in <br />the County 70 ditch is in excess of the Oakdale Comprehensive Plan. <br />2. Runoff from phase II and III, of the building and parking lot <br />expansions, should be directed to the pond in the south central <br />part of the site and not allowed to drain to the southeast and <br />leave the site. <br />3. The pond in the south central part of the site should be allowed <br />to seep normally and no attempt should be made to seal the bottom <br />with clay. <br />4. The entire southeast corner of the site between the future <br />collector street and County 70 should be set aside as a storm <br />water ponding area. if and when a collector street is designed, a <br />more complete analysis of the drainage should be made to direct the <br />flow north or construct a permanent holding pond in the southeast <br />corner of the property. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Novak, to accept the Engineer's report <br />and instruct the Administrator to forward his recommendations <br />to the City of Oakdale. Motion carried 4-0. <br />LITTLE SUNFISH HEARING: Acting Mayor Morgan reconvened the hearing <br />at 8:00 P.M. <br />The Administrator reported that figures he obtained from the PCA, <br />on effluent disposed of by Cimarron, did not agree with the <br />figures presented by the 3M Club at a previous meeting. <br />The Engineer reported that, in his opinion, effluent from the <br />Cimarron plant did not significantly contribute to the rise of <br />Little Sunfish Lake, <br />Steven Taylor, Cimarron, briefly outlined -%the measures Cimarron <br />took to protect the lake. He said the primary contributing factor <br />was the ground water level. <br />Mottaz said he is satisified with the assessment roster, as long <br />as the allegations made by 3M Club have been addressed. <br />No new information has been received other than the flow records <br />on the Cimarron Plant. <br />Morgan closed the hearing at 8:13 p.m. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Morgan, to adopt R-81-27, a Resolution <br />to adopt the assessment roster for the Little Sunfish Flood Control <br />Project. The Council agreed to waive the assessment for E & H <br />Earthmovers, in lieu of the work they did on the project. Motion <br />carried 4-0. <br />
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