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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />APRIL 21, 1981 <br />-4- <br />CIMARRON-ADDITIONAL PONDING AREAS: Steven Taylor, Cimarron, reported <br />on what Cimarron has done to identify ponding areas on their property. <br />After walking the property with`their engineer, they have con- <br />cluded there are no ponding areas up-stroam of Little Sunfish. <br />They would have to pump from Sunfish Lake to a pond near their <br />water tower to gain any storage area. <br />Morgan suggested irrigating 'the golf course with lake water. Mr. <br />Taylor said they have looked into this; but determined it would <br />not be practical. He will have their engineer review this suggestion <br />and report back to the Council. <br />Novak reminded Mr. Taylor that alternative storage areas were a <br />condition to the pumping project, not just a suggestion. <br />The Council discussed the City's and Cimarron's role in handling <br />this problem should it arise again, within the next couple of years, <br />before Valley Branch initiates a permanent solution. <br />Mr. Taylor said they can make a formal report to the City on their <br />alternatives. He suggested Cimmaron provide a storage area into <br />which the City can pump water, in order to forestall additional <br />problems. They propose the City do the pumping since 0.mmarron <br />is not=the only contributor to Little Sunfish. <br />Morgan requested the Mr. Taylor prepare a report, for Council review, <br />on the ponding and storage sites considered by Cimarron.and <br />include the size and elevations for the storage area near the water - <br />tower, as proposed. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION ALTERNATES: <br />The Council interviewed Fred Nazarian, Mike Mazarra, and Don Moe, <br />for the position of Planning Commission Alternate. The Council <br />felt all three applicants met the qualification of the City and <br />would be an asset to the Planning Commission; but concluded that <br />additional representation in the Old Village and Cimarron is needed. <br />Presently, there are four representatives from Tri-Lakes, one rep- <br />resentative from Cimarron, one representative from Tablyn Park, <br />two representatives from the rural areas, and one representative <br />from the Old Village. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, to appoint Mike Mazarra, Old <br />Village, as 1st Alternate and Don Moe, Cimarron,as 2nd Alternate <br />to the Planning Commission. Motion carried 4-0. <br />Morgan thanked Mr. Nazarian for his interest and encouraged him to <br />reapply when another positon opens up. <br />BREAK 9:00 <br />RECONVENE: 9:10 <br />