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08-18-81 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-18-81 CCM
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LAKE EL MO CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/18/81 <br />Page 3 <br />6. BOARD OIL' MANAG RS CONTINUED — Comments: <br />-- Morgan asked if this is in addition to Project 1006,to which Lake Elmo <br />has committed. $9,000. Mr. Murrary responded, ,yes, <br />-- Whittaker explained that this project would include the whole watershed <br />except for that part of Afton that drains Lake Edith to the south. Every— <br />one upstream into White rear Lake would be involved in the Main Stem along <br />1-94.. Project 1006 has a different assessment basis„and area, <br />-- Mottaz questioned why Afton is not being assessed, since the diverting <br />of the water along the 1-94 Corridor is of._�enefit to that community. He <br />also asked about the cost difference between letting the water follow its <br />natural course vs piping it along the highway. <br />-- Fraser noted that the 1-94 route was indicated to be less costly for <br />the Watershed because they would make use of the Highway piping and shared <br />cost, <br />-- Mr.. Murray gave Novak a breakdown of the communities aravelved and <br />their share of the Preliminary fund. West Lakeland and North St. Paul have <br />committed their share, <br />M/S,/,P Mottaz/Fraser, to adopt R-81-58, A Resolution authorizing a'petition and <br />a maximum of .$69000 for the Preliminary Fund for the I-94 joint Watershed— <br />Mn/DOT Main Stem Project. 3-1 Morgan opposed. <br />Morgan still maintains that $6,000,000 is too much money for a project <br />that will -be used once every hundred years, He opposed the entire program <br />and feels greater efforts should be made to pond the water throughout the <br />Watershed rather than this full development program to drain the water away. <br />Whittaker asked the Council to review the appraiser report and be prepared <br />to discuss Lake's share of the assessment for Project 1.006, at the <br />September I meeting. <br />Whittaker also apprised the Council that there is a proposal before the <br />Met Council to establish a Metro Watershed District; and, asked for their <br />comments or position on this proposal for the,sext meeting. <br />D. Hea.rings, 1006 — Mr. Murrary informed the Council that the Assessment <br />Hearing is scheduled for September 169 at 7:30 p.m. Two informational <br />meetings will be held on Saturday September 129 at 9 a.m, and. Tueiday, <br />September 11F, at 7 p.m. All the meetings will be held at Oakland Jr, high, <br />7. ENGINEIR I S RE20RT — <br />A, MSA Variance — Whittaker reported that the City's variance request for 30 mph <br />cornQ7, on 4+ th, Julep, and 47th Streets was denied. There is no additional <br />body to appeal to, He said the City is left with the .following alternatives-. <br />1. Proceed with Keats, only. <br />2. Go with 1t0 mph corners on 45th., Julep, and 47th, and do the whole project. <br />3. Develop an alternate to 1�0 mph corners such as extending 145th to <br />Keats and have one corner or extend 45th to 43rd Street and have <br />a corner at Keats, or plan a new street from 45th to Keats that <br />cuts across the Eder property. <br />Mottaz suggested tabling further discussion or action until the Engineer <br />and Mayor are present. <br />Fraser asked the Administrator 'to get a clarification on the comments from <br />MnIDOT. He will also ask the Lhgineer to prepare cost comparisons for <br />the alternatives„ and what it means in terms of peoples land. <br />Mottaz would like Mrs. Edez's opinion on a proposal to follow a drainage <br />swale. <br />
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