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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL - 8/4/81 <br />Page 3 <br />...Morgan - motion I made at 7/14 meeting was to have some architectural <br />firms determine what was most feasible and most cost effective: <br />adding onto the old office building, tearing down the old office <br />building and building a new one at that site, or adding onto this <br />building. <br />...Fraser - Still need something in writing, goal properly designated. <br />Mottaz moved that Whittaker put in writing a specific list of what we <br />want in this building —square footage, type of functions, etc —and have <br />it brought to next Council meeting for additions or deletions. Fraser <br />seconded; motion carried (5 ayes). <br />Mottaz moved that Mr. Sessing be offered the contract of $1,200.00 to <br />do Steps I thru 4 as outlined in his letter of 7/20/81. Morgan seconded. <br />After further discussion, motion was carried (3 ayes; Fraser and Eder, <br />nay). <br />Whittaker to let him know and to hold off until program is established. <br />YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU2 PAUL WEILER AND BRAD McNAUGHT - Rev. McNaught <br />presented favorable aspects, philosophy -early intervention, diversion, <br />restitution and prevention— and programs of St. Croix Valley Youth <br />Service Bureau. Statistics show Lake Elmo at 14%, second only to <br />Stillwater, on number of clients served; request proportionate to that, <br />$5,480.00. Funding from local municipalities, as strongly recommended <br />by the National Commission on Crime & Delinquency, gives citizens more <br />control over specialized programs and cuts down on bureaucratic red <br />tape. Weiler's comments: Three major sources of funding are <br />municipality, county and state. We have begun to explore other sources — <br />United Way, Private Foundation Community. In 1982 we will be responsible <br />to large umbrella agency administered by Department of Energy & Planning <br />(now to state Crime Control Planning Board which is dissolving). We <br />are currently being statistically evaluated by the Community Corrections <br />Advisory Board, and this is public information. Community Corrections <br />has committed money to our project in the past, and in 1982 we will be <br />contracting with them to supply diversion and restitution services; <br />our agency will be receiving a portion of that allotment. We: -do not <br />receive money from our school district now, but fully intend to approach <br />them for the coming year. Mr. Weider handed out revised formula sheets <br />(adjusts request from Lake Elmo upward $40), and handed out copy of <br />letter showing confirmation from the Department of Revenue regarding <br />possibility of special levy. <br />Council comments: <br />...Whittaker - Additional incentive to get local funding is that <br />County matches funding from municipality 55%. <br />...Fraser - Cannot imagine my voting in favor of funding such an <br />agency, since it should not come from city government and we cannot <br />determine if funds are appropriately used. <br />