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08-04-81 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-04-81 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL - 8/4/81 Page 4 <br />( VARIANCE, PAULINE MALON - Since this would be a definite improvement, <br />Morgan moved that the variance to construct a garage in front of the <br />principal building at 7962 Hill Trail North be approved. Mottaz <br />seconded; motion carried (5 ayes). Whittaker to contact Ken Jarvis <br />to meet requirements of ordinanceā¢ section 301.130 C. 9. <br />HAMMES EXTENSION FOR CLEAN-UP ON MOVING PERMITS. Bill Hammes and <br />Dorothy Lyons presented information as to work that was, is and will <br />be done. Asking for one-year extension to finish tearing down old <br />buildings, place 3 garages on foundations, and move 2 houses off the <br />property. <br />...Morgan - I suggest.we allow them until November 1 to have the <br />garages on their foundations, and at that time ask for a definite <br />opinion as to when the buildings that are not permissible would <br />be moved off or what the schedule would be for moving them off. <br />...Eder - I'd like to see some effort to sell the one house. <br />Morgan moved to give Hammes a 3-month extension at this point, and <br />to have Hammes come back November lst to tell the Council what they're going <br />to do. Novak seconded; motion carried (5 ayes). <br />- RECONSIDER SALE <br />MENTS - Novak moved that Lake Elmo retain ownership of the property <br />and grant an easement for a sewer system with the stipulation that <br />LeMire's maintain the property. Morgan seconded; motion carried (5 ayes). <br />9:30 p.m. - BREAK <br />ENGINEER'S REPORT, Larry Bohrer <br />A. Drainage Study, "Old Village" - Comments: <br />...Morgan - I feel developers should build pond; I'm not in favor of <br />ordering this project when there seems to be no support from <br />anyone. except people who are working on that development and want <br />to get out of digging the pond. <br />...Eder - I agree they should be asked to go out and bring people <br />in by the end of the month; if not, then they have to build pond. <br />Consensus of the Council -is that Whittaker will tell them <br />that if they had a petition showing significant areawide support and <br />all petitioners agree to share the cost of the study, the City Council <br />would consider that. (In effect, we're saying if the feasibility study <br />were ordered and the project was not approved, they'd still have to <br />build the pond.) <br />B. Well #2 - Bohrer - We've concluded all of the data gathering and <br />cost estimating; the Council should have the final report in <br />about 2 - 3 weeks. <br />
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