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10-06-81 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-06-81 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL, 10/6/81 <br />PAGE 3 <br />PROJECT 1006: Motion carried 3-2. Eder and Fraser opposed. <br />--Al Dornfeld - before submitting another petition, ideas will have to be <br />presented to the Board on an alternate approach and an assessment policy. <br />DINNER BREAK- 6:30 - WHITE FIAT RESTAURANT <br />RECONVENE: Mayor Eder reconvened the meeting at 7:40 p.m. <br />PROJECT 1006: <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Novak instructing the City Administrator to send <br />a letter to all municipalitie4 involved or affected by the ,now n <br />defunct Project 1006, Washington County and the Watershed District <br />requesting a joint meeting to discuss a possible petition for <br />Project 1007. <br />October 27, 1981 was set as the tentative meeting date. <br />7. PUBLIC INQUIRY: None <br />8. STREET LIGHT PETITION - HIGHLANDS TRAIL AND HILLTOP <br />Whittaker reconmened that the Council act on this request. There <br />were no objections from any of the other neighbors. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Morgan to authorize the installation of a street light <br />at Highlands Trail N. and Hilltop, per the Administrator's recom- <br />mendation. <br />The Council will consider the Street Light Policy at a future meeting. <br />9. PETITION TO OPEN JAMACA AVENUE TO JANE ROAD N. (JAMACA GATE): <br />The Council reviewed the petition to open Jamaca Avenue, an <br />area map indicating the petitioners and the original 'resolution <br />setting the conditions for the gate. <br />The Council discussed the purpose of the gate, emergency access, <br />school bus access, increased traffic, vandalism, etc. <br />--Fraser - does not believe it is possible to have a road in <br />existence and effectively cut it off with a gate. Does not <br />favor spending the money to install another gate. <br />--Morgan - questioned the pros and cons of the residents who <br />live on Jane Road T the ones directly affected, If the ma)oritp <br />of these residents want the gate open then he would reconsider it. <br />--Eder - suggested calling.a public hearing; Novak agreed, <br />--Mottaz -doesn't favor a hearing - would like a better survey - <br />if majority favors opening Jamaca the City should consider it. <br />MIS/ Mottaz/Morgan to instruct the Administrator to draft a <br />survey,to be sent to residents along Jane Road N. and Jamaca asking <br />their position on opening-Jamaca Avenue. <br />Discussion: <br />--Richard McGovern - 5080 Jamaca Avenue N. - <br />property owner, lives on Jamaca just north of the gate, Noted there <br />are three property owners, rho have not built yet, that favor <br />not putting the gate back up. Everyone benefits by having access <br />for emergency vehicles,- cited instance where sheriff could not <br />get through because lock was jammed. Favors leaving road open. <br />Speed is a big concern - bump strip and/or stop signs through <br />the area to slow traffic down. <br />--Loren Barber - 4995 Jamaca Avenue N - <br />Bought and built his house on the premise that the gate would be <br />closed - Confirmed this with the City before purchasing the lot. <br />Feels Jamaca, will be used as a thorofare street - Much traffic going <br />through to the public access. Feels emergency vehicles should have <br />access, but gate should be put up, <br />
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