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12-01-81 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-01-81 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DECEMBER lg 1981 <br />8, HAMMES PERMIT TO MOVE BUILDINGS AND MINING PERMIT: <br />Dorothy Lyons and Bill Hammes -were present to report on the <br />status of the two houses that -were to'be moved by. November 1. <br />Both homes are still on the Hammes property, <br />Mr. Hammes said he has a party interested _in .one of the houses <br />and intends to keep the rambler and fix it up, He plans to <br />place the structure on a 1 1/2 A parcel of his fathers. <br />--Whittaker -- the property in this area is zoned RR which requires <br />a 10 acre minimum lot size,.unless the property is platted for <br />cluster development which permits 7 lots per 40 acres. No <br />application has been made to move the house to another parcel <br />or to subdivide the property. <br />--Lyons - the potential buyer for the other house has to find out <br />his communities regulations on moving in a house, <br />--Eder - asked Mr. Hammes to tell the Council what `.he needs to <br />do or what he needs to have so the Council can respond. Presently <br />the, two buildings are beyond the t.Me limit required by <br />the City, <br />--Hammes - requestsanother 6 month extension. Wants to keep the <br />rambler, fix it up, and put it on a foundation, <br />--Whittaker responded to Frasers question about three other buildings <br />that should be on permanent foundations.. <br />--Hammes - there are two houses and three garages or storage buildings. <br />One of the garages is on a foundation - is working on another one. <br />Intends to permanently place the three garages (storage sheds) on <br />the property, These will replace buildings that are being torn <br />down, <br />--Eder - 6 month extension may cause problems because of the <br />road limits in the spring - may have to complete the work in <br />four months. Asked what the plans were in locating the rambler <br />on the property -will there be a decision shortly as to where <br />it will be located and what needs to be done, <br />--Lyons - talked to the Administrator and thought would start <br />by talking with the Council and see what can be worked out to <br />keep it on the farm property. Wants to keep it close by in order <br />to do the remodeling work. <br />--Eder - have to be careful not to keep postponing ar:d not acting <br />because the City isn't forcing you to act. - <br />Have to make some kind of effort to decide where to place.the• <br />building and verify that meets the requirements,then can <br />decide what the next step is, either proceed in the present <br />location or do something elsewhere. <br />--Mottaz - Atthis l 1/2 years. World consider only extending <br />the permit three months with consideration of an additional <br />three months.only after positive evidence that something was <br />happening after the initial three month extension, <br />--Novak - If cannot come up with a .location for the rambler <br />within three months, does not feel any additional extension <br />would benefit-and,/or resolve the question, <br />M/S,/P Mottaz/Morgan to extend the moving permit for Wm. Hammes <br />for three months, at which time the Council will review what <br />progress has been made then consider an additional three month <br />extension. The additional three montr,.extension will be considered <br />if- a buildincr site is secured' or, is -in the,-;prace,�s- of- -being secured <br />via platting or subdivision,. The additional extension will be <br />considered for moving the house not acquiring the building site. <br />The Mining Permit will be considered when a renewal application <br />is received, <br />
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