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CITY COUNCIL MEETING; JA14UARY 19, 1982 <br />-7- <br />7. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Resolution - No passing in 40 mph Zone on Highway 5 - <br />/ M/S/P Eder/Fraser to adept ResT won 82-3, A Resolution requesting <br />t the formal creation of and posting of a "No Passing" zone on <br />State Highway 5 from County Road 17 to Layton Avenue North. <br />MEETING EXTENSION: <br />M/S/P Nova%/Mottaz to extend the meeting to 10:45 <br />B. Changing Permit Year for Mining CUP's - <br />Whittaker informed the Council that the Code does not set a specific <br />date for mining permit renewal. I He recommended notifying <br />the permittees that the renewal date will be changed to September 1, <br />and the fee for 1982 pro -rated. <br />M/S/P Novak/Mottaz to renew mining permits September 1 of each <br />year, starting September 1, 1982, and pro -rating the permit fees <br />for 1982. <br />C. office Improvements - <br />IF Table Tops <br />M/S/Mottaz/Fraser to purchase the table tops, per the sample <br />from Lake Elmo Hardwood Lumber. <br />Discussion - <br />,-Fraser - recommended purchasing a wedge shaped section that <br />would permit the tables to be placed in a curved formation. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Mottaz, to amend the motion and include the <br />purchase of a wedged "V" shaped table section, provided it <br />can be purchased within the original cost. estimate. <br />Amendment carried 3-0-1 Novak abstained. <br />Motion, as amended, carried 3-0-1 Novak abstained. <br />(2) Closing Januarya2`9 <br />whittaker requosted au—tior:ization to hire a moving company to <br />move a he:office equipment to.the new building,:.As themaintenance <br />men may be involved with snow'rgmoval. He"recommended closing <br />the office on moving day and notifying the public through the <br />Newsletter. Moving day has been set for January 28. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Eder to authorize the Administrator to hire a <br />moving company and close the City Office on moving day, <br />(3) Disposition of Present Office Building - <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Fraser to table item (3) until February 2. <br />D. Guidelines - City Attorney - <br />Eder suggested inviting Ray Marshall to attend the February 2 <br />meeting to discuss the disposition of the City Attorney. The <br />Council agreed. <br />E. �Servheim Resolution Correction - <br />`. R7S7P Fraser/Mottaz to adopt Resolution 82-4, A Resolution <br />rescinging R-81-61 to correct a typographical error. <br />