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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 19, 1982 <br />-5- <br />ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />( D. State Wetlands Survey - <br />t Bohrer reviewed is letter of December 23 regarding protected <br />waters and wetlands,within Washington County. The Engineer <br />had no comments on the designations made by the DNR in Lake <br />Elmo; but, suggested adding the West Lakeland Storage Site and <br />the Horseshoe Lake Outlet, as the City has an interest in keeping <br />these areas open and flowing. <br />M/S/P Novak/Eder to request the DNR to designate the Horseshoe Lake <br />Outlet and the West Lakeland Storage Site as a protected watercourse <br />and a protected wetland in the "Preliminary Designation of Protected <br />Waters and Wetlands within Washington County; Minnesota". <br />E. Highway 36 Improvements - <br />The Council reviewed the Engineer's letter of recommendation <br />to approve Mn/DOT's construction of turning lanes at Highway <br />36 and Demontreville Trail. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Novak to adopt R•-82-2, A Resolution approving the <br />preliminary layout for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway <br />36, within the corporate limits of the City of Lake Elmo, from <br />600 ft. west to 600 ft. east of County Road 13 (Demontreville Tr. N.). <br />BREAK <br />,6. PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT: <br />A. Amending 'Zoning Ordinance to provide for Nominal 10's & 40's - <br />The Council reviewed the -Planning Commission recommendation to— <br />provide for nominal 10's and 4"01s. Discussion included density, <br />ag preservation, cluster development and review of the Administrator's <br />comments (January 14, Memo'- Nominal 10's and 40's). <br />--Novak - large tracts should be looked at individually to see if <br />they can conform. Hardships of the land should also be considered <br />individually. <br />--Whittaker - few parcels over 400 acres - Ifyouu had less than <br />400 acres, you would end up with a lot less than-10.acres requiring <br />a variance for the sub -standard lot. Ordinance permits clustering <br />7 lots per 40 acres - higher density. <br />--Novak - intent of the ordinance is to perserve ag land, if <br />developed,..: want to keep services at a minimum through clustering. <br />Acreage is not what is important in the intent of the ordinance,, <br />ag.,preservation is.` <br />--Eder - either going to encourage retention of ag land or forget <br />preserving ag land and consider density. <br />--Whittaker - does not feel this will have an effect on ag land. <br />If want to preserve ag land should zone this land ag with 40 acre <br />minimums. Could not build on 40 acres in ag because would not <br />meet the minimum lot size exclusive of road right-of-way. <br />--Eder - no problem with nominal 40's but does not agree with nominal <br />10's. - <br />�, --Mottaz - at some point will have to make a concession for land <br />given up for right-of-way that is less than 10 acres. <br />--Eder—should encourage some areas to stay ag. Worst thing is <br />to split 40's into 10 acre lots - this permits economic out for 40 A <br />tracts. <br />