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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 5, 1982 <br />E. Dayton -Hudson Simple Lot Division - The Planning Commission <br />also recomaen-Ue­d granting variance for this particular parcel. <br />--Eder - personally objects - all lots that are subdivided that <br />meet the minimum requirement have to have the area requirements. <br />This is a 1200 acre.tract which demonstates no hardship for <br />compliance. One and Two acre lots are-requie d to have the <br />full' -area - this should be no different. <br />--Mottaz - questioned how often this parcel can be subdivided <br />into smaller lots and how often it has been done to date. <br />--Whittaker - any pre-existing parcel,at the time of purchase <br />could be considered a separate parcel. Ordinance does not <br />govern the number of Simple Lot Divisions for a parcel before <br />an overall plan is required. <br />--Whittaker - want to guarantee the worth of one acre lots by <br />requiring total land area - 10 and 40A parcels are large <br />parcels that would meet any requirement for land purposes - <br />not as critical in large lots as in l 1/2 acre lots. Would <br />not recommend nominal 1 1/2 acre lots. <br />--Eder - objective of large parcels is :to:Jeep and encourage <br />agricultural use. Would hope to find a way to transfer <br />such parcels so the use would remain the same. Feels in the <br />long run 10A parcels will 'present problems. <br />If a property owner has only 40A, then,,­a,Variance could be <br /> permit four I A parcels, or 900 of the total <br />required. <br />--Mottaz - suggested accepting the simple lot division, as <br />drawn, but, require Dayton Hudson to dedicate the right-of- <br />ways for Keats: and County 70. <br />--Eder - agreed with the dedication but does not favor the <br />reduced area that would be created by removing the .r-o-w <br />from the 10A parcel. Anyone who subdivides is required to <br />have the full, land amount plus dedicate any road right-of-way, <br />The lot area is outside of right-of-wa.y dedication. Requiring <br />dedication of right-of-way on Co. 70 and. Keats .i.s only formalizing <br />something that already exists. Disappointed there is no <br />plan for the overall use of the:12,00 acres <br />--Mottaz - how is park dedication handled on this type of Simple <br />Lot Division. <br />--Whittaker - policy says this <br />building permit is requested. <br />to provide for park dedication, <br />number of simple lot divisions <br />requiring an overall plan,, <br />--Mottaz - agrees should have a <br />can be requested at the time a. <br />Recommended consideri.nq the Code <br />road dedication and limit the <br />to two on any one parcel, before <br />plan for the entire parcel. <br />M,/S/ Eder/Mottaz to deny the.varia.nce request to permit a <br />simple lot divison for .Dayton Hudson <br />Discussion: <br />--Novak - no hardship has been demonstrated. Adequate .land <br />there in order to meet the code. <br />--Moraxan - adequate landaava fable to meet the code and ordinances <br />No difference than if. subdividing 1 1/2 lots. <br />--Val Parranto - Dayton Hudson legal counsel - questioned denial <br />of the variance despite the Planning Commission recommendation <br />to approve - just because Dayton Hudson owns the land. <br />--Eder - may have alluded to Dayton property in discussion; but <br />the concern is that the Code requirements be met whenever there <br />is adequate property to do so. Also, need to review the Code. <br />