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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 1982 <br />-2- <br />6. USE OF FIRE HALL - FIRE CHIEF BRUCE KUETTNER; <br />Chief Kuettner presented the Fire Departements request and <br />position to turn the responsibility -sand use of the old Council <br />Chambers over to the Fire Department. The Department indicated <br />the hall could be used by community groups; but, they would like <br />to control that use. <br />--Morgan -all .City property .is_a City, resource - would like to <br />understand why the Fire Department feels they need to have control <br />over the hall. No problem with the Firemen having use of the <br />fire hall; but, questions why they feel they must have control. <br />Kuettner - they do not want control; but, responsibility (for <br />the hall and its use). Firemen's feelings about taking over -the <br />responsibility of the hall are'based on abuse of the facility <br />and Fire Department property in the past. Several keys to the <br />Fire Hall are out and unaccounted for; department equipment has <br />been found missing; furniture has been damaged, with no restitution <br />or repair made.- just asking for control and responsibility of <br />saying who comes in and who goes out. Want to know when someone <br />from Lake Elmo or outside of Lake Elmo is.. using the Fire <br />Department's building. Want to protect the fire trucks as well <br />as equipment purchased by the Fire Department, Requested that <br />the locks to the building be changed and limit the number of keys <br />that are issued. <br />--Morgan - what the Firemen are asking can be handled by changing <br />the locks and limiting the keys. Feels this request is more for <br />making the hall area into a recreational area for the firemen. <br />Nothing wrong with this; but cannot exclude the rest of the City <br />from having use of the area .upon request. <br />( - Kuettner - related problems involving the Jaycees -and -their use <br />of, the fire hall. <br />--Novak - would be more responsible if the office kept -the calandar <br />of requests; but need to make those individuals who use the hall <br />better aware of the rulesand regulations on use. As far as <br />recreational use - use the smaller area behind the Council Chambers <br />for actual recreation and have the Council area or the whole <br />fire hall be primarily used for the firemen's education or meetings <br />and programs for the department. Community groups would have to <br />fit into the Fire Department's schedule for its use. <br />--Kuettner - this is the objective of the firemen - bothers him <br />that the Council feels this will only be used as a recreational <br />area. Needed an area for the men to sleep after the Stillwater <br />fire. Need a break area. <br />--Fraser - someone has to control the building - logical groups <br />to do this are the -,City staff or the firemen. Reasonable and logical <br />that the firemen should want this responsibility and control. <br />Firemen in a better position to control. Fire Department and the <br />Council need to work together .to set the limits,and_define the <br />parameters of use. Would not like to see things that would give <br />the impression that the hall was a 'party hideaway'. <br />--Kuettner - Not intented to be used as a recreational room. Firemen <br />would like to get together with a Council member and work out the <br />guidelines for uses. Willing to open the hall up to anyone when <br />not being used by the Fire Department. Fire Department will also <br />ast tume�the responssbility °of keeping the hall clean. <br />--Fraser - volunteered to work wiLh a Fire Department representative(s) <br />to work on the guidelines for use, maintenance etc. of the Fire Hall. <br />A•reporta will be prepared for Council consideration. <br />--Mottaz - this is the only community space available - shares <br />Morgan's position that the City Office should control the use of <br />the Fire Hail - this space should be made available to the community. <br />