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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 16, 1982 <br />-3- <br />USE OF FIRE HALL: <br />--Mottaz - Best way to -handle is through City administratmon <br />scheduling the use of the .boom, In doing this,preference would <br />be given to the Fire Department for their use. As much as <br />possible should be a community space. <br />-..Kuettner - feels very strongly about the things taken for granted <br />by the Jaycees - Firemen have made the Jaycees aware of this, also. <br />--Eder this question will be addressed more fully after the <br />preliminary guidelines have been drafted by the Council and Fire <br />Department representatives. <br />7. RESERVATIONS AND RENTAL OF FIRE HALL: <br />Whittaker reported that no other city in this area 'rents out its <br />meeting hall, <br />--Fraser - in regard to renting the fire hall or the Council Chambers - <br />charging is a reasonable thing to do - costs money to have and <br />maintain a facility - not unreason&ble to expect users to contribute <br />to that cost. Feels this is the way to go. <br />--Novak - prefers not to charge until there is a problem in cost <br />and maintenance. If a problem arises,then determine wh,ether•to <br />continue use of the facility or charge. <br />--Eder - length of use may be the determining factor for charging. <br />--Morgan - if its a publicly owned building, it should be free to <br />the public. Lake Elmo priorities should come first. <br />--Mottaz - agrees - address when a problem arises. <br />--Council agreed reservations for use of the fire hall meeting room <br />should be made through the City Office ..-..d.rganizations should be <br />primarily.non-profit and essentially Lake Elmo oriented. Use by <br />the Fire Department to take priority over any other use. <br />8. LEASE FOR OLD OFFICE BUILDING: <br />The Council considered the lease agreement drafted by the Administrator,. <br />and reviewed by the City Attorney. <br />Attorney Marshall answered questions on damage deposits and a <br />renewal clause for a short term lease. The agreement, as written, <br />is for a five year lease. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Morgan to advertise, for lease, the old City Office <br />building, per the conditions of the lease agreement. <br />9. IIOWARD SPRINGBORN - LIMITS ON AFTER HOURS USE OF GREEN ACRES: <br />The Council discussed the number of after hour events held in <br />1981, hours of operation and after hour events for 1982. <br />--Mottaz - wanted to know what exists and is permitted at Green <br />Acres now. <br />--Whittaker - this is indicated on the current CUP. Hours of <br />operation and a limit on after hour events need to be determined. <br />--Fraser - need to see the permit and its language and limits. <br />--Whittaker - conditions of all the permits were summarized on the <br />CUP permit list last November. Deal with the after hour events <br />question then will address additional questions or provide additional <br />information from the file. <br />MIS/ Fraser/Eder to adopt R-82-7, am?ndinq the Conditional Use Permit <br />for Green Acres with the following additions: <br />1. Hours of operation will end at 10:00 p.m. on Sunday thru Thursday; <br />and 10:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. <br />2. A maximum of 12 after hours events will be permitted per year. <br />