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°Wmnary of Recommendations on Park and Planning Commissions <br />12/ 11/91 <br />page two <br />PLANNING COMMISSION P12ES COMMISSION <br />Removal. Any member or alternate member may be_removed Removal. Any member or alternate member may be removed <br />by a four -fifths vote of the City.Council, for cause. by a four -fifths vote of the City Council, for cause. <br />Cause shall include but not be limited to having more Cause shall include but not be limited to having more <br />than three (3) consecutive unexcused absences or a total than three (3) consecutive unexcused absences or being <br />of six (6) absences in a period of one calendar year. absent from more than one-third (113) of the meetings in <br />any one calendar year.2 <br />Officers. The Commission shall elect a Chairperson, a <br />Vice Chairperson, and a Secretary from among its ap- <br />pointed members at the annual meeting each year, for <br />a term of one year. The Chairperson shall preside at <br />all meetings of the Commission, if presentand shall <br />perform all other duties and functions reQuired by <br />State Statute.or assigned by the Commission or the <br />City Council. The Vice Chairperson shall perform these <br />duties in the absnece of the Chairperson. If a vacancy <br />occurs in the Chairperson's office, the Vice Chairperson <br />shall assume the Chairperson's duties for the remainder <br />of the year; and. a new Vice Chairperson shall be elected <br />Annual Meeting. The Commission shall hold an annual <br />meeting the second Monday in the month of January in <br />each year. Such meeting shall be devoted to the <br />election of officers and such other business as shall <br />be scheduled . <br />Regular Meetings. Regular meetings shall be held in the <br />City Hall at 7:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays <br />of each month. At any meeting, a quorum shall consist <br />of two-thirds of the members. No action shall be taken <br />in the absence of a quorum except to adjourn the meeting <br />to a subsequent date. A regular meeting may be cancelle <br />or rescheduled by the Commission at a prior meeting or <br />if .na �r�F nn cnn Fr,l!P� r_7on^: -nma n -i-;R Th"rcnn•.r <br />Notes: <br />d 2. `the Park Commission generally has just 9 meetings; so, <br />permitting six absences like the Planning CommiF-ion would <br />RP 'r.rn 1?rRl'1 CC�irF. a7.. <br />