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City of Lake Elmo <br />SUMMARY of recommendations on scope and objectives of the Park and Planning Commissions <br />12/11/81 <br />PLANNING COMMISSION PARK COMMISSION <br />Establishment. A Planning Commission of the City of Establishment. A Parks Commission of the City of Lake Elmo <br />Lake Elmo is hereby established. is hereby established. <br />Purpose. The Planning Commission is estab-shed to <br />meet the reouirements of State Statute; to develop <br />and enforce the Comprehensive Plan and amendments <br />thereto, subject to City Council approval and the <br />requirements of the Mandatory Planning Act; and, to <br />review and make recommendations on Subdivisions, <br />Zoning applications, Planned -Unit Developments, and <br />Site and Building Plans as provided by Ordinance. <br />Purpose. The Parks Commission is established to review and <br />make recommendations to the City Council on the future de- <br />velopment of City parks,including the establishment of and <br />improvements to said parks, and to make recommendations to <br />the City Council on policies governing the maintenance and <br />public use of the parks within the City. <br />Composition. The Planning Commission shall consist Composition. Same as Planning Commission. <br />of nine members and two alternate members. Members <br />shall be appointed by the City Council for lthree <br />year terms so that only one-third WVA of the ap- <br />pointments will expire on December 31st of each year. <br />No member may serve more than two consecutive three- <br />year terms. Alternate members shall be appointed by <br />the City Council to serve until there is a vacancy <br />on the Commission or until they have served three <br />years. The City Council shall designate a first al- <br />ternate and a second alternate who will become full <br />members in order of appointment and shall complete <br />the unexpired term of the member they succeed. If the <br />office of any alternate member becomes vacant, the vacan- <br />cy shall be filled in the same manner in which the last <br />-regular appointment for that office was made. <br />Qualifications. Each member and alternate member shall Qualifications. Same as Planning Commission <br />be a resident of the City of Lake Elmo. Wherever pos- <br />sible, Commission members should represent all geographical <br />areas of the City and a cross-section of the population <br />of the City at the time of appointment. <br />Syotes- <br />1. The Council should consider reducing both Commission to 7 members and two alternates. It would be a more <br />manageable group to work with. <br />