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SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 2, 1982 -7- <br />RESERVATION OF PARK FACILITIES n CONTINUED: <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Novak to instruct the Administrator to schedule <br />hockey for one hour per day and before noon on weekends, <br />Ballfields - <br />The Counc 1 expressed satisfaction with the way the ballfields <br />have been scheduled in past years, <br />6. D, JAYCEE PROPOSALS FOR WEST SUNFISH PARK: <br />--Morgan - the JAYCEES had discussed their proposals with the <br />Park Commission twice and the Commission had been generally <br />pleased with the proposal. The Commission had intended to <br />do a Master Plan; but, with the JAYCEE offer to do this plan, <br />they decided to wait to see what the JAYCEE''s came up with. <br />If the Council wants to spend the money on a Master Plan, the <br />Commission will proceed. <br />--Mottaz - there are important concerns about the facility <br />proposed by the JAYCEE's: the need for it, the size of it, <br />its proximity to a residential area, the traffic and 200 car <br />parking lot, the policy of someone other than the City controlling <br />the use of a City Park, policing, the ultimate responsibility <br />for the maximum use of existing ballfields already maintained <br />by the City, furnishing ballfields for the County and the past <br />policy of having a lower level of activity in the park. He <br />recommends presenting the plan to the County for use in the <br />Lake Elmo Regional Park Reserve where the facility would be <br />more in keeping with the size and scope of the facility - and <br />where it would serve the larger population of non -Lake Elmo <br />residents. <br />Fraser � read a statement that said the City already provides <br />recreational services for many outsiders and, whereas, money <br />is harder to come by all the time, she thinks the City should: <br />first, consider the recreational needs of Lake Elmo residents; <br />second, the City should give very careful consideration to the <br />concerns and feelings of those living near a proposed facility <br />when planning its use; and, finally, any facility that would <br />be used primarily by non-residents should be shown to be self- <br />supporting through use charges. <br />-Novak r- would like to see an over-all plan, even if costly. <br />She would like to see local use and is concerned about the <br />proposal to move it to the Regional Park, as that is also suppose <br />to be rather low intensity use. <br />,Mottaz - 14% of the park will be developed under Metro Council <br />guidelines; so some development is going to be there. <br />-Novak, does not want to develop a facility that would have <br />to attract outsiders to our parks to pay for them. <br />--Morgan , The City Council adopted a policy January 20, 1981, <br />that called for West Sunfish Park to be a central active recreational <br />area and said that a plan should be developed in 1982. The <br />plan was not ordered because the Parks Commission was concerned <br />about the cost. <br />--Mottaz - this proposal is tcD intensive for Lake Elmo's central <br />recreation needs. <br />•-Eder , agreed with the proposal to encourage development of <br />the ballfields in the Regional Park. Believes we may need one <br />field in West Sunfish to serve area. <br />