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,SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 2, 1982 -8- <br />JAYCEE PROPOSAL � CONTINUED; <br />--Morgan - there are lots of wooded areas in the park and the <br />areas over the landfill are largely open and won't be wooded <br />for years, The land is available for some kind of facility. <br />M/S/ Mottaz/Eder to thank the JAYCEES for their efforts in <br />developing the plan and to encourage the JAYCEES to present <br />their plan for adaptation of the plan for the Lake Elmo Regional <br />Park Reserve, Motion passed 4-1. Morgan voting Nay. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mottaz to instruct the Parks Commission to proceed <br />with the development of a Master Plan for West Sunfish Park <br />through a professional planner. <br />M/S/P Eder/Novak to move Item 7, Snow Plowing, to Council <br />reports at the evening meeting, <br />Mayor Eder recessed the meeting at 6:05 p,m,. <br />