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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MTG. <br />3/16/82 - page two <br />(b) Mr. Joe Rogers (5-year lease with permission to sublease office <br />space). Mr: Rogers would be storing materials there, plus have more <br />parking space for his employees. Credit - industrial revenue bond approved. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Novak to lease City Office building to Mr. DeNardo <br />with the stipulation that sign and outside storage be acceptable to <br />City ordinances. (4 ayes, Eder nay) <br />6. WATER RATE ADJUSTMENTS - Marilyn explained 1980-81 actual breakdown <br />expenses for Water Department (small loss in 1981; and $1,400 <br />projected loss in 1982 since expenses keep increasing). <br />...Morgan - this department should be self-sustaining; can we reduce <br />expenses or raise rates? (Whittaker noted that Lake Elmo already <br />has highest rates in Washington County due to few users, and that <br />there is $40,000 water department reserve to handle this.) <br />...Marilyn - "Other sales" include meter sales and water shutoffs. <br />Engineering cost high last year because of Well No. 2. <br />Increase in salaries last year because of water main breaks. <br />Consensus of Councillors was to table this item until budget time. <br />7. BUDGETED RESERVE ADJUSTMENTS - Councillors reviewed charges against <br />the budget that could either come out of the park capital projects <br />fund or the general fund reserve: <br />Engineering for improvements in Tablyn Park <br />Hockey boards for Lion"s Park <br />Master plan for Reid Park, billed in 1981 <br />Amended 4-6-82 - Total should be $6, 260. <br />...Eder - sees no problem with $6,000 being over -budget <br />general fund, reducing reserve balance to $10,000. <br />$2,029.01 <br />1,890.26 <br />2,340.73 <br />*$6,261.00 <br />at year, end in <br />M/S/P Morgan/Eder to leave $6,000 in general fund, in effect to <br />authorize these expenditures from within the reserve balances. (5 ayes) <br />• M/S/P Morgan/Novak to adopt RESOLUTION 82-13 so that <br />TRANSFER OF NET PROCEEDS FROM THE INTEREST ON THE BUILDING FUND <br />SHOULD BE RESERVED TO, AND THE RENT FROM THE OLD OFFICE SHOULD <br />GO TO, THE BUILDING FUND, IN ORDER TO KEEP INTEGRITY OF THE <br />BUILDING FUND. (5 ayes) <br />• M/S/P Morgan/Eder to adopt RESOLUTION 82-14 so that <br />BALANCE OF REID PARK PLANNING COSTS, $1,137.00 in 1982, SHOULD <br />BE PAID OUT OF THE GENERAL FUND RESERVE FOR PARK DEVELOPMENT <br />AND PUT INTO THE GENERAL FUND. (5 ayes) <br />8. PUBLIC HEARING: Variance from requirements of Section 301.070(3)(a) <br />of the Zoning Ordinance to permit a front yard setback of 33 feet <br />where 50 feet is required. <br />