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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MTG. <br />3/16/82 - page three <br />The public hearing was opened at 7:50 p.m. Mr. Ed. Gorman, presented his <br />proposal to expand existing White Hat Restaurant, 11011 Stillwater Blvd., <br />Lake Elmo, to 61' across the front x 46' 611, plus explainedparking-lot <br />reorientation to east and south, with front landscaped; drainfield and <br />holding pond; and driveway (stays as is). <br />...Novak - concerned if future right- or left -turn lanes would be <br />affected (75' of right-of-way on south side of Highway 212 so not a <br />problem) <br />...Whittaker - Planning Commission has recommended approval (ref: their <br />minutes of 2/22/82), and Attorney says averaging of setbacks can be - <br />applied to meet requirements of Section 301.110(A). No variance needed. <br />The hearing was closed at 8:07 p.m. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Novak to approve Mr. Gorman's request and to acknowledge <br />that it adheres to City Code. (5 ayes) <br />9. ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />A. Water System Back-up, P <br />REF: Mr. Larry Bohrer, <br />to City Administrator. <br />, letters dated 3/10/82 and 1/24/82 <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Eder to accept recommendations of Mr. Larry Bohrer, TKDA, <br />! as described in his letter of 3/10/82 to City Administrator, along with <br />priorities Nos. 1 thru 5 listed on page 2 of Mr. Bohrer's letter dated <br />1/25/82 to City Administrator. (5 ayes) <br />Discussion: <br />...Mottaz - has studied recommendations and feels it is a good plan; <br />improvements should be made as funds become available. <br />...Eder - if cable is available in 1983, could be used in lieu of <br />telephone if more economical. <br />...Bohrer - four things to do right away: pump motor fuse blowing <br />problem; Twin City Testing tank inspection (later in spring); develop <br />bidding specification for alarm company; and develop specification <br />for standby power. <br />REF: Mr. Bohrer's letter of 1/24/82,. page two. <br />...Whittaker - funds are available for at least No. 1, not sure about <br />both Nos. 1 and 2. <br />...Bohrer - can get cost estimate to do preliminary design; No. 2 would <br />probably involve a field survey since on developed property. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Morgan to have TKDA get estimates on engineering cost for <br />Item No. 1 in L. Bohrer's letter of 1/25/82, page two. (5 ayes). <br />B. Water Main Loops - Mr. Bohrer explained that if there's water <br />main break, use of loop will provide water to everyone in area <br />except in block where break occurs. Two critical areas are (a) Old <br />Village north of tracks, and (b) area south of 32nd Street where if <br />