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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MTG. <br />3/16/82 - page four <br />break occurs, entire south end of town needs to be shut off. Breaks. <br />are due to frost action and stress (cast iron), whereas now ductal iron <br />is used which eliminates problem. <br />....Novak - cost involved is high compared to 2 or 1-day inconveience <br />factor, not a matter of health or welfare. (Morgan agrees.) <br />.Bohrer - minimum of $10,000 is ballpark figure for construction costs. <br />...Mottaz - Larry Bohrer is only laying a plan so we know what can be <br />done if developments occur in these areas, etc. Emphasis is to <br />establish plan and then do work as funds are available; spending <br />money right now is not intention. <br />...Bohrer - are we missing opportunity for project No. 3 (ref: his <br />letter of 1/25/82)' (Whittaker - would be too expensive right now <br />unless more of that area is developed.) <br />C. Tablyn Park - TKDA now planning to rebid Tablyn Park parking <br />lot construction. <br />10. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS <br />(REF: Planning Commission minutes of 3/8/82) <br />A. West Lakeland Comprehensive Plan <br />( M/S/P Novak/Morgan to respond with. the -following three <br />C omments: (a) parks should be addressed (plan stays entirely away <br />from parks and acceptance of public lands —parks in Lake Elmo and <br />surrounding communities are used by West Lakeland residents); <br />(b) any proposal to relocate County 15 would not include vacating <br />present Manning Avenue since it could, in the future, tie-in with <br />Lake Elmo's 20th Street as local mini -collector; and (c) there is no <br />current updated approved airport plan. (5 ayes) <br />B. Zoning Amendment <br />Hearing is to be held on April 12, 1982 at 8:00 p.m. <br />Whittaker feels most substantive issue is subject of accessory buildings <br />in rural residential areas (ref: Section 301.130)• People feel they <br />should be able to build more than a 1,000 sq. ft. accessory building <br />on a 10-acre lot (4,000 sq. ft. would be more reasonable). <br />C. Moving Older Buildings <br />Planning Commission recommends that Section 502.090 be amended <br />to "delete restriction that buildings over 10 years old cannot be moved. <br />into the City, as long as any building moved into the City meets all <br />present building codes." <br />...Whittaker - not in zoning ordinance so Council can draft ordinance <br />and amend the ordinance that's in the building code. <br />...Novak - House going in should be in agreement with the neighborhood; <br />and if that's followed can't see any reason why it has to be 10 <br />years since that's an arbitrary figure. <br />