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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MTG. <br />3/16/82 - page five <br />l ...Eder - house has to be brought up to code anyway, so older home <br />can actually be more sound. <br />...Morgan - houses older than 30-35 years canbe.of poor construction. <br />M/S/P Novak/Mottaz to draft an ordinance amendment to Section 501 <br />of our Municiple Code under building code, to allow buildings older than <br />10 years, as along as it agrees with and is in keeping with the neighbor- <br />hood. (5 ayes) <br />11. OLD BUSINESS <br />A. Board of Review - to be held May 25, 2:30 - 7:30 p.m. The <br />following times were preferred by Councillors: Fraser - earlier <br />hours; Eder - anytime; Morgan - sometime after 5:00 p.m.; Novak - fit in <br />as required. <br />B. Tom Monette Resolution <br />M/S/P Morgan/Novak to adopt RESOLUTION 82-12, <br />THANKING TOM MONETTE FOR HIS SERVICE ON THE PARKS COMMISSION, <br />TO BE PRESENTED, ENGRAVED. ON A PLAQUE, AT THE JOINT COUNCIL/ <br />PARKS COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 20, 1982. <br />C. Sale of Old Table - An appraisal was made at $200-250. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Fraser to sell the former Council table through <br />sealed bids, with a minimum price set at $250.00. (3 ayes; Novak and <br />Morgan nays) <br />D. Parks Commission Appointments <br />(1) M/S/P Novak/Morgan to make appointment of Diane Trudeau <br />to the Parks Commission retroactive to Council meeting <br />where Osborn was reappointed, due to a misunderstanding of personal <br />desires. (5 ayes) <br />(2) M/S/P Fraser/Novak to appoint Chuck Clauson as a regular <br />member of the Parks Commission. (5 ayes) <br />(3) April 20 Meeting - Fraser suggested that business part of <br />meeting be conducted at City Hall instead of Tartan Park <br />in case any public members wanted to attend. Consensus of Councillors <br />was that there was no problem with holding the business meeting at <br />City Hall, then reconvening at Tartan Park. <br />E. DNR Letter on DeMontreville Access <br />(REF: letter dated 3/9/82 to City Council from Donald M. Carlson, <br />DNR, Special Assistant to the Commissioner, Trails and Waterways <br />Unit.) <br />