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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 18, 1982 <br />6. HAMMES - MOVING BUILDINGS - Continued <br />M/'S/P Mottaz/Morgan to table action until June 15, pending the <br />review and recommendation of the proposed plan by the Planning <br />Commission. Motion carried 4-0. <br />7. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT - <br />A. Opinion On Use of City Buildings by Political Parties <br />The Council reviewed a copy of State Statute 202A.192 "Use <br />of Public Facilities". Although the Statute states City <br />facilities have to be made available it does not say what <br />facilities. Extent of the City's obligation would be to <br />make the Council Chambers available for precinct caucuses and <br />legislative district or county conventions, as required by <br />statute. Minimum rent can be charged. <br />M/ Mottaz to amend the City policy to agree with State Statute. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Novak to table further discussion and action until <br />all Council members are present. Motion carried 4-0. <br />B. Opinion on Effects of New Manufactured Housing Statute <br />On City Zoning Ordinance - <br />City Attorney reported he briefly examined the new Statute <br />on manufactured homes;and, in his opinion, there is no <br />reason to amend the present ordinance at this time. <br />C. Klawitter Commercial _Use - 60th Street - <br />The Council reviewed the Build mild q Inspectors memo that indicated <br />the Klawitters are operating a General Business Use in a Rural <br />Residential Zone. <br />The City Attorney said that if they are operating a business <br />at 9839 N. 60th Street, it is in violation of the Zoning Ordinance <br />and the action against them is to require them to cease and <br />desist for violating the Zoning Ordinance. The City will have <br />to prove they are in violation of the Ordinance. <br />M,/S/P Mottaz/Morgan to instruct the Building Inspector to notify <br />Richard and Katherine Klawitter to comply with the City Zoning <br />Ordinance and cease all business operation at 9839 N. 60th St. <br />within 10 days, If the Klawitter's do, not comply with the _ <br />Building Inspector's notification, the City Attorney is authorized <br />to commence civil action against them. <br />--Whittaker 7-key issue is that the Klawitters are doing what <br />they told the City they would do when they applied for a rezoning, <br />even though the rezoning was denied. <br />Motion carried 3-1. Novak opposed - wants to consider the issue <br />further. <br />D. Rossow Rezoning - Attorney Marshall recommended that the Council <br />go into Executive Session, as provided by the Open Meeting Law <br />section on pending litigation. Will be discussing a law suit <br />that is pending before the District Court. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Novak to recess the Council meeting to the City <br />Attorney's office for discussion of the Rossow Rezoning. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />The Council reconvened at 8:45 p.m. <br />