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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, NOVEMBER 16, 1982 -10- <br />11. ENERGY PLANT Continued: <br />Discussion <br />--Mottaz - the City.supported the plant proposal on the condition <br />that the City would not be sited for another landfill. The <br />County agreed to this, but this has changed and the City is <br />being considered for two dump sites. It is imperative that the <br />City have a representative on the board in order that the City <br />have some say about what happens. City was not consulted.6h-,ghe <br />prela;u,iinary;:budgefo .>r-space rental for the,energy'plant commission <br />--Whittaker - City has to take a stand `- either we are involved <br />or we will oppose the plant. <br />--Mottaz - City'has no legal clout. -`have to:.force City's involvement <br />via this resolution. <br />--Fraser - recommended modifying the wording of the last paragraph <br />tempering the City's opposition. Whittaker will rewrite this <br />section and forward it to the Council before the County Board <br />meeting, November 23. <br />Mottaz and Morgan agreed to amend the motion to include the change <br />in wording of the last paragraph. Motion carried 5-0. <br />JOINT MEETING WITH NEW LEGISLATORS: <br />The Council will invite the new legislators, Gary Laidag and Chuck <br />Hoffman to the December 7 meeting to discuss the Energy Plant, <br />tax equivalency program, etc. New Council members, Mike Mazzara <br />and Bruce Duhn will also be invited to attend. <br />13. PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT: <br />A. Simple Lot Division - Lavonne Richert, 3812 Jamaca Ave. <br />The Counc5. re eiv wed t�ie�lannin Comma.ssion recommendation to <br />approve the simple lot division. <br />--Whittaker reported that the City Engineer recommended that <br />full right-of-way for Jamaca Avenue be secured. Presently a <br />33 ft. easement, should ask for 42 ft. .as a condition of the <br />subdivision. This would make the lots, less than a`1,1/2, or <br />1.4A. <br />M/S/- Morgan/Mottaz adopting R-82-60-, approving _a--simple-l:ot , <br />division in the NE 1/4,NE 1/4, Sec. 16, contingent on obtaining <br />the additional 7ft, of right-of-way on Jamaca Avenue, thereby <br />making each lot 1.4A in size, for Lavonne Richert. <br />Discussion - <br />--Eder - very little land along Jamaca that isn't platted - all <br />these parcels have 33ft. of r-o-w. This would be the only <br />42 ft. r-o-w. <br />After discussing.:the: right-of-way all .along d'6.maoa,1-the_Council=- <br />ddcidedrthat thismparcel should not be required to provide an <br />additional 7 ft. <br />Morgan and Mottaz withdrew the original motion. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mottaz adoptkkg( R,82-60, approving a Simple'Lot <br />Qivision in the NE 1/4, NE 1/14, Sec. 16,-without requirang'anr: <br />additional 7 :ft �kAgsht-of-way for Jamaca AVbnVo N. ,-"-for <br />Lavonne. Richert. Carried 5-0. <br />