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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, NOVEMBER 16, 1982 <br />aM, <br />10. DAVE JOHNSON - Continued: <br />Mr, Johnson then brought the confusionofthe. frontage roads to <br />the Councils attention. He met with a representative from M!I/Dot <br />who explained the newly constructed system and explained that <br />Helmo and the frontage roads are not slated for opening until the <br />spring of 1983, even though construction will be completed in 1982. <br />He requested Mn/Dot to open these roads this winter, if construction <br />is complete, to alleviate the confusion that presently exists for <br />access to his building. To date he has had no reply from Mn/DOT. <br />Therefore, he requested the City Council support Conn Co's <br />position and send a letter to this effect to Mn/DOT requesting <br />that Helmo Avenue and the frontage roads be opened this winter, <br />--Novak - concurred with Mr. Johnson's assessment of the situation - <br />presently an unsafe area, people driving around the barricades <br />on the completed areas, very difficult to get into Conn Co. <br />MIS/ Novak/Mottaz to instruct the Administrator to send a letter <br />to Mn/DOT supporting Conn Co's request to open Helmo Avenue and <br />the frontage roads this winter., to alleviate the present problems <br />and confusion and making the:, roads in this area as useable and <br />unintimidating as possible, <br />Discussion: <br />--Whittaker - thinks it is time to remove the Helmo Avenue barricade, <br />--Bob Dreher - no problem with removing the barricade, but feels <br />the road will have to be frequently patrolled. <br />--Whittaker - noted that when the City approved the plans for <br />the frontage roads it waived all responsibility for maintenance <br />(this was part of the motion for approval), The City has three <br />streets- in this area - Ideal Ave., Helmo Ave and Guardian <br />Angels Avenue - which were built, as a part of the frontage <br />road system, The City will likely have to maintain these <br />three streets, but should make Mn/DOT aware that the City <br />expects them to maintain 4th Street and the frontage road <br />along 94. <br />Novak and Mottaz agreed to amend the motion to include the break- <br />down of streets to be maintained by the City and Mn/DOT. <br />Carried 5-0. <br />13,B,LARGE LOT SUBDIVISION - GEORGE KRUEGER: <br />The Council reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendation <br />to approve Mr. Krueger's subdivision, <br />--Whittaker. Valley Braneh`has:requested that an easment over <br />the pond area be secured. This is not usually done with a <br />large lot subdivision - City Code provides for this when the <br />property is futher subdivided. Whittaker will notify VBWD <br />of this provision. The Wetlands Ordinance protects this pond. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Novak to approve R-8.2i-6 1,_approving a,Large:-Lot Sub- <br />divi4;ion-.for George Krueger, in.-E:l/:2,, NWk/4'-, Sec `16. ā€˛Carried 5-0. <br />11. ENERGY PLANT UPDATE - COUNCILLOR MOTTAZ: <br />Mottaz presented a resolution supporting the agreement for <br />joint administration of the Waste/Energy project, including <br />( the City of Lake Elmo with Ramsey and Washington Counties. <br />MIS/ Mottaz/Morgan to adopt R-82-59, a Resolution Supporting <br />the Agreement for the Joint Administration of the Waste to <br />Energy Project, Which Includes the City of Lake Elmo, With <br />Ramsey and Washington Counties, <br />