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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, NOVEMBER 16, 3.982 -11- <br />12; OTHER COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />A. Councillor Fraser - <br />Snowmo ile''R:egula:tions - Fraser reported that several <br />residents along Highway 5 between No. _17-and So. 17-'are <br />complaining about noise and being disturbed by snowmobiles <br />that ride in the ditch area along Highway 5 in front of <br />their homes. Whittaker reviewed the City and. County <br />regulations.' The_ State permits-thd"use.of ditches along <br />State, highways. The Star_ Trail Snowmobile organization <br />received Statepermission to locate their trail along <br />this area.. It previously went through the Brookman Addition <br />property until the area started to develop. <br />--Mottaz - suggested sending the County a letter demanding <br />that the City be involved in County action regarding devices <br />that may affect City residents. <br />`Whittaker --*EdQr� - offered to contact Star Trails about realigning <br />amended 12/7/82their trail and, request that proper signs be put up. <br />Budget Trends - recommended outlining previous years <br />expend Lures along with the current years budget when <br />publishing the budget in the Newsletter, <br />C. Joint Planning Commission/Council' Meeting,' December 13- <br />ittaker reported twate Planning Commission wouldlike <br />to meet with the Council on the Mobile Home Code, Landscape <br />Standards and Amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance before <br />starting the hearing process on these items. A joint meeting <br />has been set for December 13, at 7:00. <br />15, MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS: <br />D. Winter Park Issues - The following was recommended by Park Commiss <br />(1) Hockey hours - hours to remain the same as last year <br />(2) Shelter hours and workers - to remain the same as last year <br />(3) Fees for lights - as the lights will -be -on -for the <br />open skating, the Council agreed notto charge the hockey <br />teams,using the hockey rink,a fee. No fee was charged last year. <br />--Morgan - recommended that the Park Commission develop a <br />time schedule for open skating when no hockey will be <br />permitted. This will be placed on the Park Commission <br />agenda. <br />--Whittaker - reported that Mike Pott will do the snow <br />blowing on the rinks this year. <br />(4) Regional Park Meeting - Gary Horning, Lake Elmo Rep. <br />wants to have a public information meeting on March 1. <br />Whittaker will forward a list of City concerns on the <br />park to Mr. Horning. <br />Two .current issues of concern, which the City has not: seen <br />- <br />the plans for, are the `boat Jaunc-h on -Lake Elmo and the <br />Proposal for setting the le'vel.of the pool -on Eagle Point Lake. <br />W-hittaker-has notified the County that the City wants to react <br />to the plans before they go to the County Board for approval. <br />WOOD REMOVAL FROM SUNFISH PARK: Whittaker reported that Mr. Callopy <br />had an agreement with the City to cut trees in Sunfish Park as part <br />of the purchase agreement for the property. Everette Beaubien <br />purchased the property from Mr. Callopy's estate and has asked to <br />remove the existing piles of wood within the park, cut by Callopy. <br />The Council agreed to this request, but no further cutting can be done. <br />