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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, NOVEMBER 16, 1982 <br />6. SWENO/JOHNSON PUBLIC HEARING - Continued: <br />--Whittaker - could secure a permit to destroy the old house <br />and make application for the proposed structure. Hardship <br />would still exist in that the lot is undersized and not <br />usable for any other reasonable purpose under the Zoning <br />Ordinance. Hardship is not that the existing house is old,.;:. <br />but that the lot is small, doesn't meet the area requirement, <br />is in the shoreland and doesn"t have another reasonable use <br />except for sale to adjacent properties. <br />--Mottaz - the advantage of this proposal over the last two that <br />were requested in that this is not going to change the total <br />density, total number of structures, in the area. Taking one <br />out and putting another in its place. <br />--Novak - agreed with Mottaz's conclusion. This is improving <br />a condition that is existing. Main problem is the increase <br />of bedroom area. <br />-Sweno - the drainfield is increased to adequately handle the <br />additional bedroom. <br />--Novak - asked the Engineer to confirm the fact that the ''piggy <br />back" drainfield approach is the only way to provide for two <br />drainfield sites. The Engineer affirmed this statement. <br />--Whittaker - this is a policy question - how two drainfield sites <br />are defined. <br />--Mottaz - as stated before, does not consider this method as <br />creating two drainfield sites. Still holds this opinion. <br />--Whittaker - Council will have to consider this separately as <br />a policy issue. <br />--Mottaz - according to the interruption of the present code this <br />method is acceptable. <br />--Novak - if the home were built as a two bedroom home would the lot <br />be large enough to have two separate drainfield sites. <br />--Engineer Bohrer - do not know - only analyzed..the proposal based <br />on the application - did not consider it for a two bedroom home. <br />Doubt that could have two independent seperate sites even for <br />a two bedroom home. <br />--Harry Johnson - three neighbors on both sides are on;- smaller lots. <br />This is larger than the average of seven surrounding lots. <br />--Whittaker - Explained the City's standard for determining average <br />size in a given area. Average lot size for developed parcels in <br />this plat is 26,800 sq. ft. This is City policy,.not an ordinance. <br />--Mot.taz - still maintains that the critical consideration is that <br />there be some place for an alternate drainfield system. Cannot <br />understand that an alternate system can be placed and function <br />three feet away from a failed system. As this type of system <br />was previously appepted (Johnston property), do not see how <br />it can be denied now; but, recommended that the Council consider <br />a moratorium on building permits until this question is resolved. <br />Mayor Eder closed the hearing at 8:53 p.m. There were no residents <br />in the audience for the hearing. <br />--Morgan - asked for actual lot size and sq. ft. <br />--Rohrer lot is .505 A or 22,000 sq. ft. - goes slightly <br />into Lake Demontreville - area above the water is 21,155 sq. ft. <br />--Eder - if this is approved, it is understood that Mr. Sweno would <br />enter into a development agreement with the City such as the <br />Larson and Johnston Agreements. Mr. Sweno agreed. <br />