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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, NOVEMBER 16, 1982 <br />-7- <br />6. SWENO/JOHNSON PUBLIC HEARING - Continued: <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Novak tc approve the following variances to permit Tom <br />t Sweno to construct a three bedroom home at 8076 Hill Tr. N. <br />1, Lot size for ..50 A lot <br />2. Drainfield area to be located 10' from the house <br />3. Location of the house 75' from the high water mark <br />4. Lot width of 110' <br />The above variances are conditioned on compliance with the <br />Encineer's recommendations, as outlined in his memo of October <br />27, 1982, and a Development Agreement between Thomas Swenc and <br />the City of Lake Elmo, outlining all requirements and regulations <br />relative to the sewer system, similar to the Johnston/Larson agreements. <br />Approval is based on recent,Counciltapproval:,.Qf-�aisimilar septic <br />design; the fact that this proposal is not changing the density <br />of structures in this area; and, the new septic system will Inpefully <br />improve the septic situation for this property and surrounding <br />properties. <br />Motion carried 4-0-1 Morgan abstained, <br />7. PUBLIC HEARING - JOE EDER - VARIANCE FOR SIDE YARD SETBACK AND <br />NUMBER OF ACCESSORY BUILDINGS:AND MOVING PERMIT: <br />Mayor Eder opened the hearing at 7:57 p.m. <br />Mr. Eder is requesting a 4' variance from the required_10"--setback <br />to enable him to place a garage within 6' of his side yard jot line. <br />He presently has a metal storage shed on the property and is <br />requesting a variance from the permitted number of accessory <br />buildings in R-1. One is permitted;he will have two with the <br />new garage - the total square footage is still under the 1,00.0 sq. ft. <br />minimum. A moving permit is requested to move the new, already <br />assembled, garage onto his property. <br />The Council reviewed the Planning Commission recommendation to <br />approve the moving permit; and their discussion on locating the <br />building on the „property. <br />The neighbor to the south, proposed building site, submitted a <br />letter expressing no opposiotion to the proposal. Mr. Eder noted <br />there is no other location for the garage - moving it to the north <br />side of the property would require the same variance and possibly <br />interfere with his drainfield area. <br />Mayor Eder closed the hearing at 8:05. There were no residents in <br />the audience for the hearing. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Morgan to approve the,)following_variantes and moving <br />permit for Joe Eder: <br />1. A variance to locate a new garage 6' from the side yard setback. <br />2. A variance to have two accessory buildings, under 1,000 sq. ft. <br />total area, in R-1. <br />3. A Moving Permit to move a new garage to 3699 Laverne. Said <br />garage to be located per the submitted site plan. <br />Carried 5-0. Mayor Eder stated before the vote that Joe Eder is <br />an uncle and that he has no financial interest in his property. <br />8. ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />Water Tower Invoice - The Engineer was unaware that Allied had <br />su mitte t eir bill and recommended withholding payment until <br />he has reviewed theu:claim. The Council agreed to withhold payment <br />pending recommendation for payment from the Engineer. <br />