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12-07-82 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-07-82 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DECEMBER 7, 1982 <br />M <br />8. DOUG THOMAS - WETLANDS_STUDY <br />As Mr. Thomas was unable to attend, Administrator Whittaker <br />presented the Water Resource Inventory book, which identifies <br />all the wetland areas in the City. The study will be used <br />as a reference for the Council,,.Commissions and staff when <br />considering development involving wetland areas. Mr. Thomas <br />offered to hold"a workshop to explain the -report for the <br />Council, Commissions and staff. <br />--Fraser - recommended inviting local conservation groups <br />homeowner organizations, etc. to the workshop. <br />-Eder - would like the map reviewed for errors - also, would <br />like the maps compared with DNR's wetlands inventory toverify <br />that the Study -inventory is -complete. <br />Engineer Bohrer will review the study and provide a cost <br />estimate on the evaluation work requested. The Administrator <br />will send a copy of the report to Valley Branch and Ramsey/Metro <br />Watershed Districts after the engineer's review is complete. <br />12. ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Water Tower Painting Claim - Bohrer reported that he <br />reviewed e co:n-Eras or s rea down of costs, and recommended <br />that a partial payment of $9,633 be made. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Fraser to accept the Engineer's recommendation and <br />make partial payment in the amount of $9,633 to Allied Painting <br />and Renovating for painting the water tower. Carried 4-0. <br />Bohrer also recommended that the contractor be notified that <br />all equipment and materials be removed from the pump house <br />until work resumes in the spring,, <br />B. Landfill Site BB - Bohrer referred the Council to his letter <br />of December 1, 1982 with the preliminary site evaluation and <br />map prepared by the County for site BB in Lake Elmo. -Bohrer- <br />waited the following concerns after reviewing the preliminary report: <br />1, 50% of the soils on site BB are classified as having <br />severe limitations i(as dad(ifiedi in_ the Washington: County <br />Soils Survey.): for landfill ng.. Thes&s oils are listed as <br />having.a_ground water table of l' to 3' below the surface. <br />2. The site is believed to have shallow bedrock. Shallow <br />is defined as less than 801 from the surface, to a bedrock <br />layer which contains a aquafer. Site G in the Regional Park <br />showed the Platville Limestone is 60' to 80' below the <br />surface;--'' Data from the Highway Department concerning wells <br />along I-94 indicate that several wells are in the Platville <br />Limestone,.thereby, confirming the fact that this aquafer <br />is used for drinking water. <br />Bohrer noted that the above concerns are two of the seven <br />exclusionary criteria used by the County to eliminate the <br />May Township and Woodbury sites. ,3.3 of .36 poteptial„s2:tes were_.-_ <br /> statements that they were unsuitable <br />for environmental reasons. <br />--Novak - challanged the_County's_statemegt rel:ating:.:to, _ ;;:; <br />*Residential Uses", -page 15. Although this is designated <br />General Rural Use, 10 acre residential lots are possible. <br />Page 16, Final Use - have to object strongly to the <br />suggestion that Site BB maintained and developed for additional <br />park land. Lake Elmo has done its duty for landfills and <br />Regional Parks. <br />
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