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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DECEMBER 7, 1982. -5- <br />12. ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />B. Landfill Site BB - Continued <br />The Council further discussed Ag land criteria.&airport zones, <br />M/S/P Morgan/Novak to instruct the City Engineer prepare a <br />statement outlining the technical features that make site <br />BB environmentally unsuitable and demonstrating that it clearly: <br />meetszthe exclusionary criteria set forth by the County. Also, <br />provide material indicating why other sites should be included <br />as candidate sites. The Engineer will represent and present <br />Lake Elmo''s position at the County Waste Advisory Committee <br />meeting, December 14. Motion carried 4-0. <br />C. Demontreville Boat Launch By -Pass - <br />Bohrer referred the Council to his letter of December 2, 1982 <br />which indicates that the -County HighwayzDepartment has --reviewed <br />the City''s design for the' -realignment of Demontreville Trail <br />at." -the proposed boat launch for Demontreville Lake -and with <br />slight modification meets the-County's requirements. If <br />the modifications meet City approval, Bohrer recommended that <br />the Council approve the revised plan and refer�.at'back tb�the <br />County and the DNR for preliminary designs. <br />M/S/P Eder/Fraser to approve the revised design of the <br />Demontreville Access, as prepared by the Washington County <br />Highway Department, and forward this revision to the DNR <br />and Washington County for development of preliminary design.,. <br />Financing to be determined after approval of the preliminary <br />designs. Carried 4-0. <br />D. 'Survey of Road,.RecoD,struction/Repair in Tablyn Park, <br />- m= -- <br />v�,�ray.ov,_rt-�v"Ar,nr.. a4,ri 7C'ntirri'r7rlrr'�- Ar7c'iti'ons <br />The Engineer determined, when reviewing areas of seal coating <br />in 1982, that the :'roads in Tablyn Park were beyond the point <br />where seal coating would be effective. The Maintenance <br />Foreman informed the Engineer that streets in Bordner -Gardner <br />and Kendridge Addition also needed repair beyond seal coating. <br />Bohrer submitted a proposal suggesting a visual inspection <br />of these streets,to determine what needs to be repaired,_ <br />estimate the cost and prepare a short report to satify the <br />requirements of Statute 429 should the City hold a hearing. <br />Patching and an overlay will probably be recommended - this <br />is'the most cost effective solution for this type of work. <br />Estimated cost .for the preliminary work and report will. not <br />exceed $900. <br />The Council asked the Engineer for a rough estimate of costs <br />to property owners, as the entire cost will have to be assessed, <br />based on similar projects. Bohrer will provide this information <br />for the next Council meeting. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Fraser to defer a decision on repair of the streets <br />( in Tablyn Park, Bordner -Gardner and Kendridge Addition pending <br />an estimated cost, based on similar local projects, from the <br />Engineer. Carried 4-0. <br />