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01-18-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-18-83 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 18, 1983 <br />7. DEMONTREVILLE ACCESS - CONTINUED: <br />--Morgan - If the rest of the Council disagrees with the March 1 <br />( closing, it should not be delayed more than 30 days and there <br />should be some visable sign of progress from the County and <br />the State - otherwise it should be closed April 1. <br />MIS/ Morgan/Dunn to close the Demontreville access as of March 1, <br />1983. <br />Discussion: <br />--Eder - would prefer to see this be tabled for 30 days to see <br />if it cannot be resolved. <br />--Dunn - by closing, will bring more attention to this matter <br />and get the County to start moving. Delaying the closing just <br />gives these other agencies more time to drag their feet. <br />--Eder - people who are going to have the problem in the next <br />30, 60, or 90 days are the property owners. We want them to <br />take a positive approach and qo to the County and ask for this <br />funding - also want:the fishermen's -support - do not want to <br />aggravate all kinds of people. County has said they are in <br />favor - it's the matter of dollars - we need to have them set <br />this as a priority. Do not want to risk loosing the funds. <br />--Mazzara - would resist voting to close the access. Feel there <br />are positive steps being taken to open a new one. Personally <br />talked to the County Commissioners, they seem very positive and <br />receptive about the new plan. Do not think it would benefit <br />Lake Elmo, fishermen or anyone else to close this and wait for <br />a new one to open. Keep the present one open- take precautions <br />for.the safety hazards. <br />--Fraser asked the Administrator if the following statement is <br />correct - Big push with the DNR and the County for the realignment <br />of the road is that we presently have an access that many people <br />want because it serves a good purpose, fishing, and we have a <br />bad safety congestion problem: If we close the access, then <br />that problem has been technically done away with - might this <br />have the effect of slowing down DNR by not providing as much <br />positive pressure to get the County to contribute some funds <br />and defeat our basic purpose. Would this weaken our position? <br />--Whittaker - Yes, County staff has indicated that they think <br />closing the access would , in effect, take them off the hook. <br />There wouldn't be a safety problem on their County road and <br />they wouldn't see any need to immediately invest in a by-pass <br />for a new access. Have tried both approaches with DNR - just <br />have to keep at DNR. <br />Motion failed 2-3. Fraser, Mazzara, Eder opposed. <br />--Morgan - not opposed to an access to the lake. Position was <br />not a spur of the moment reaction - been involved with this <br />situation since 1970. <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Fraser to keep the Lake Demontreville access open <br />and provide the following safety provisions: <br />1. A barrel of sand be located at the access to be used to <br />provide a saf_ar, slower approach to Demontreville Tr, up <br />the access ramp. <br />2. Gravel or rock placed at the base of the ramp where the ice <br />has seperated from the shore. <br />3. Contact the County about plowing the snow along the parking <br />area off the shoulder <br />4. Warning sign posted notifying the public of the safety hazards <br />and requesting their cooperation for safe use of the access. <br />5. Notification and request to the County Sheriff for additional <br />patrol, heh;-possible, and eiUJorcement of this area. <br />
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