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01-18-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-18-83 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, :9ANUARY 18, 1983 <br />13. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />L. Hose for Flooding Lions Park Skating Rink - Whittaker reported <br />that the Fire Department as requested t at the City purchase <br />150 ft. of hose for flooding the skating rink. The -Department <br />does not like to tie up.the�hose'from:,their trucks for__flo0aing <br />the rink. The cost for the hose, a nozzle and a valve for turning <br />on and off the hydrant is $271. The Park Commission reviewed <br />the request and thought it was reasonable. The expenditure would <br />come out of the Park Budget. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn to authorize $271 for the purchase of 150 ft. <br />of plastic hose, nozzle and valve,for use at the Lions Park <br />skating rink. This expenditure will be charged to the Park <br />Budget. Carried 5-0. <br />6. LEE ANNETT - HOUSEMOVING FROM SEC. 32 TO TABLYN PARK 2ND ADD': <br />Mr. Annett explained his proposal and reviewed his remodeling <br />plans. He also indicated that theowner of the house has agreed <br />to wait until -the frost --is out of the groundbeforerequiring <br />Mr. Annett.to_move�the horse; Thiswill avoid having the house <br />stordd on Mr. Annett's lot in Tablyn Park until he can begin <br />work on the foundation. Mr. Annett took exception to the statement <br />that the house may not compare to other homes in the area, stating <br />the design is a matter of taste and after the proposed remodeling <br />is complete it should be very compatible. All the work has been <br />contracted out and, depending on the weather, the entire project <br />should be completed -in 3-4 months. <br />Audience Comments: <br />--John Fitzenbergenk, 8830 27th St. Ct. N - spokesman for the <br />surrounding residents. - Would rather not see the home <br />moved into the area - not compatible with the surrounding <br />homes. Acknowledge that City may not have solid legal grounds <br />to deny request, therefore, residents would like: <br />1. Assurances that the improvements proposed to be made <br />to the house are completed. <br />2. See the impact of this to the neighborhood to be negative - <br />would like to see this negative impact minimized. <br />3. Urge the City to react in a positive way by developing a <br />method or plan to assure that Mr. Annett holds to his <br />representations as to improvements, and to make sure that <br />the improvements are not superficial. <br />4. Would like to see the finished house look as aesthetically <br />pleasing as possible - most of the homes 3 years old - do <br />not want to see this house look like a 19 year old move -in. <br />--William Hooper, 8820 27th St. Ct. N. - do not want this interpreted <br />as a personal attack or vendetta. Moved into a"new area and <br />expected new homes - important to stress that Mr. Annett is in <br />this for an investment and not as a home for himself. Personally <br />plan to put alot of time into own home and property to bring <br />it up to a personal standard - this does not take 2,3, or 4 <br />months, it is an ongoing thing. Hope can look at the home <br />afterwards and be pleased with its appearance and feel that <br />it does not detract from the rest of the homes. <br />--Patrick Dahedl - 8850 27th St. Ct. N. - concurs with what has <br />been previously said. Would hope, should this get approved, <br />that this would not set a precedence in the neighborhood and <br />open the possibility that additional lots would be purchased <br />for the same purpose. Hope the improvements will be made and <br />will not set a precedence for a form of investment for other <br />people in the area to follow. <br />
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