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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 18, 1983 <br />-5- <br />6. LEE ANNETT - HOUSEMOVING CONTINUED: <br />-- Eder - familar with the house and the <br />is well constructed. Recommended that <br />be put together outlining the require <br />also suggested renewing the luster of <br />the trim. This was agreeable with Mr. <br />-- Whittaker - informed the Council of t <br />h <br />previous owner - house <br />a development agreement <br />d improvements. Eder <br />the stucco and repainting <br />Annett. <br />e Planning Commissions <br />recommendation to approve the request with several conditions. <br />(planning Commission minutes of January 10, 1983) <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara instructing the City Administrator and <br />City Attorney to draft a Development Agreement between Lee <br />Annett and the City of Lake Elmo which clearly outlines the <br />conditions and requirements Mr. Annett will have to fullfil <br />in order to receive approval of his housemoving request. <br />Recommendations and comments from the Mayor and Planning Commission <br />to be included in this agreement. Carried 5-0. The agreement <br />will be ready for approval at the February 1 meeting. <br />DINNER BREAK - WHITE HAT RESTAURANT <br />Mayor. Eder reconvened the meeting at 7:08 p.m. <br />7. PUBLIC HEARING TO CLOSE PUBLIC ACCESS TO LAKE DEMONTREVILLE: <br />Mayor Eder opened the hearing at 7:10 p.m. <br />Administrator Whittaker up -dated the Council and audience on <br />the status of the access with DNR. He reviewed the map and plan <br />approved by the DNR, locating the access and parking on the <br />lake side of Demontreville Trail. The County Highway Department <br />staff will review the map this week and additional comments or <br />recommendations will be sent back to DNR for approval. Whittaker <br />alp® reported that the court date on the covenants is still pending. <br />The DNR anticipate this action_to-be,xesolved before spring. The <br />DNR has agreed to condemn the'tvo lots they areuD�u chasing for <br />the access if the covenants cannot be cleared up through the court <br />action. Although'+most of the -access will be on County right-of-way, <br />about one-third of the DNR:1ots in the 5th Addition will be included. <br />Also, the City will have to acquire an additional 40 ft. of property <br />from Lot 8, which is adjacent to the DNR lot. If the Council <br />approves the plan, negotiations will be initiated with the property <br />owner of Lot 8. If all negotiations, land acquisition, and approvals <br />can be resplved; the access could be completed this year. <br />Whittaker noted the biggest obstacle could be the funding of the <br />road relocations- this will not come out of highway funds. <br />--Eder - County Commissioners have viewed the area and are well <br />aware of the proposal. Need to impress on them the urgency of <br />this project and to convince them that this is a priority need. <br />Commissioners expressed a favorable attitude toward this re- <br />location - agreed it is safer, more logical, separates an activity <br />from residential area, etc. Going to take a push from the City <br />and residents to emphasize the importance of getting this done. <br />--Whittaker - plan has minimized the amount of highway cost; This, <br />alohg with the City providing the remaining 'right-of-way,_will <br />help the City's cause. County has the money - just a question <br />of what they spend it on. In.response to a;..question from the <br />audience regarding the additional 40 ft - road could not be <br />designed any other way and still get the access and parking <br />lot on the lake side of the road. Tried to minimize the amount <br />of property that would be needed for right-of-way. <br />