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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 18, 1983 <br />7. DEMONTREVILLE ACCESS - CONTINUED: <br />AUDIENCE COMMENTS: <br />--Daniel Endreis, 3023 Jamley Ave. - asked why the property <br />( across from the presently owned DNR property could not be <br />used for parking. <br />--Eder - area is the rearing pond - no land to park - mostly <br />wetland. DNR own only the rearing pond, but have an easment <br />over additional property, --not owned by them. <br />--Michael Bonn, 1985 Geneva Ave. - has talked to DNR representatives <br />about the new access - they are very anxious to get the new <br />access in. Want to beep the present access open until the new <br />one is complete. Present economic climate prevents fishermen <br />from traveling great distances - Demontreville a good fishing <br />lake and is close and convenient - provides family recreation. <br />Fighting to keep the lake open. over 200 lakes in the Metro <br />area with only 22 access - lakes belong to the public and they <br />have the right to use their lakes - feel the Council has an <br />obligation to let the public gain access to Demontreville as <br />long as there have been no serious problems in the past„ should <br />keep the access open until the new access is built. <br />--Greg Fouks, 7864 Demontreville Tr. - Two points that have been <br />discussed the last couple years are: <br />1. Safety - presented pictures showing the safety problems <br />being created. Questioned why other Cities are closing <br />or not opening accesses to their lakes. Have a safety <br />problem in this area year round.. Have cars all over the <br />place and the safety problem cannot be controlled. Cars <br />are coming up the lake and taking huge runs to get up a <br />very steep access - almost have to bulldoze their way up <br />before they can get on the road. Safety is a problem that <br />everyone has known about for years. <br />2. If the Council decides it is going to keep the access open, <br />then it should be enforced. Don't think it has been and <br />(City) canl.t`spend the money to do so, therefore, feel it <br />it should be closed. Question around the lake - what good <br />does it do to close it - just moving the problem some place <br />else. One recommendation that the Council may want to <br />consider is lets close the access, let°s rip out the tar, <br />letas post it and keep that one launch section open`and",free <br />of obstacles, so that if people are going to break the law <br />they will break the law in front of our house, like they <br />are doing legally now, so they stay off private property. <br />Close the access so this spring it doesn't exist and there <br />is an alternative to keep it off of other peoples property. <br />--Beryl Garloff, 7856 Demontreville - whatever happened to the <br />parking area on the north side of the cul-de-sac near the rearing <br />pond. Originally a plan for that. <br />--Whittaker after looking at plans, the Council decided that <br />plan would create an unsafe situation in that location - people <br />would be crossing Demontreville Tr. both to launch boat, then <br />to park, also pedestrians would be crossing back and forth eg. <br />shore fishermen and children. Felt could make it safer by <br />moving the road onto the north lot and putting the parking and <br />access on the same side of the road and eliminate cross traffic. <br />--Beryl Garloff. supports closing the access for safety reasons. <br />If the Council decides to keep the access open, would like to <br />have a formal definition of how parking restrictions will be <br />enforced - presently not being enforced unless residents call <br />and complain - there is no formal patrol pattern - depaties only <br />come by when there is a complaint. Would like this issue addressed. <br />