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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 18, 1983 <br />-7- <br />7. DEMONTREVILL@1 ACCESS - CONTINUED: <br />--Jan Fouks, 7864 Demontreville Tr.. N. - the 'legalparking <br />area, adjacent to the access creating a hazardous situation <br />hazardous to leave driveway when it is icy- cars are right <br />there --no place to go. Cars have to take a run at the access <br />ramp to get off the lake - come flying out of access. Those <br />that don't make it continually go to (Fouks) house to call <br />tow trucks - tired of being the public warming house. <br />--Eder_- astked if most of the cars still use the access to get <br />onto the lake. <br />--Jan Fouks - they fill up the parking area, rest drive out to <br />their fishhouses.- when they return in the evening the area <br />is steep and there is a hole in the ice a few feet out from <br />the shore which requires the cars to take a run at the access. <br />--Kim Zauner, 7848 Demontreville - also favors closing the access <br />temporarily, until another access is built and the problem is <br />resolved. It is a safety hazard - this winter has been unreal. <br />The location of their driveway makes it very difficult to get <br />in and out with the cars parked on the road because the snow <br />is mounded up. Would like to see it temporarily closed until <br />it can be resolved. <br />--Eder - verified that the snow isn't adequately plowed back, so <br />that the cars are not totally off the road, Mrs. Zauner agreed, <br />--Randy Zauner, 7848 Demontreville - would like to see it closed. <br />Big risk to the fishermen because of the condition of the access. <br />Poor access and big safety hazard. Close it. <br />--Allen Noreen, 7960 Demontreville Tr. N.- have been involved <br />with this for the past four years. Plan that is proposed is <br />very consistent with what a group of residents pecpmmended <br />about the first time this was discussed. Regarding closing the <br />access - think it is an unsafe situation, as it is presently, <br />yet, at least, it is a controlled situation. Favor keeping it <br />open until the new access is completed. <br />--Roger McQuade, 7872 Demontreville - reitterate what neighbors <br />have said - had the unfortunate incidence of hitting a car in <br />front of his driveway, This becomes a traffic congestion and <br />is very marrow. Has a steep driveway, but with the on going <br />traffic it is inconvenient to get in and out. This is not <br />limited to any particular day of the week - virtually seven <br />days a week.. Is a fisherman and uses the lake, but the parking <br />and traffic conditionsare difficult for the people in the <br />immediate area. <br />--Eder - appears problems are'created by snow not being -plowed: <br />far enough off the shoulder, weather conditions and Lack of <br />maintenance of the access- creating ar.`icy access area, and <br />a problem at the"bottom of the access where the ice is <br />separated from the shore, <br />--:'veg Fouks - problem with the plowing is that when the County <br />wants to plow cars are parked in the area, also the vehicles <br />don't want to get too close to the bank area and get stuck so <br />they keep a portion of their tire(s) on the pavement. <br />--Al Noreen - this year, outside of snowmobiles, cars are not <br />taking access at other points around the lake, but, think <br />once the access is closed , no question, access will be taken <br />across private property. <br />--Michael Bonn - if the access is closed, when will the ice houses <br />have to be taken off. Many houses on the lake - will have to <br />inform dwners if thedate for removal is different from the State <br />requirement. <br />