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01-18-83 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-18-83 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JA'NUARY 18, 1983 <br />am <br />7. DE)MONTREVILLE ACCESS - CONTINUED: <br />--Greg Fouks - fair point - realistically could not close the <br />access this winter - saying,prepare for the spring, should <br />make sure everything is ready and done when necessary. <br />--Whittaker - cannot say how long construction -will take. <br />Intend to coordinate the road and access construction so that <br />it is done under one contract or done at the same time. Would <br />not have to necessarily close the present access to work on <br />the new one. Ice houses have to be off by February 28, under <br />State Statute <br />--Beryl Garloff - If decide to keep the access open, would like <br />the enforcement issue addressed. <br />--Eder - serious question - many factors,one of which is dollars. <br />--Roger McQuade - owner of Lot 8. Would not favor the right-of- <br />way acquisition from his property. As he missed earlier <br />discussion, Whittaker suggested Mr. McQuade come in or call <br />him to explain the proposal. <br />--Daniel Endreis - suggested placing rock at the base of the <br />access to make getting up the access easier - also sanding <br />rVwoQld help as far as making the exit up the ramp safer. <br />--Michael Bonn - believes this is as safe as it could be for <br />the location - favors limiting the number of vehicles and <br />enforcing parking violations. <br />Mayor Eder closed the hearing at 7:40 p.m. <br />Council Discussion: <br />--Fraser -- find the movement on the part of the DNR encouraging. <br />Think the pitoposed plan is the way to go. Seems further ahead <br />than it was. Need to do whatever is possible to minimize the <br />current safety problems and need to inform the deputies of the <br />concerns about patrolling and ticketing. Would rather defer <br />closing the access when it looks like the reasonable solution <br />is coming. Also feel that:fEn,spite of the safety problems that <br />have been cited, should the access be closed, believe would <br />have safety problems over a much wider area and uncontrolled - <br />would become worse. <br />--Eder - suggested putting up a sign informing the public of the <br />problems the access is creating and asking their cooperation <br />to minimize these. Could put this in abeyance and hopefully <br />move this along - want to get everyone in the immediate area behind <br />the City Council to get this through the county Board - ask <br />the residents to support the Council via letters to the County <br />Board urging them to act on this proposal as quickly as possible <br />so that this problem can be resolved tP is year. City will lay <br />out some program to make sure there is a systematic approach <br />to reducing the present problems at the access eg. sanding, <br />notifying the County to keep the road as wide as possible, <br />warning sign of cooperation, etc. <br />--Morgan - have not changed position. Believe the access should <br />be closed . In consideration of the ice houses, closing could <br />be delay until March 1. Cannot see where a closed access will <br />attract more people than an open access. Problem isn't going'to <br />be any worse than it has been. As far as having the legal <br />right to control the traffic - if there is a hazard there, <br />whether or not there is an access, has nothing to do with the <br />City's responsibility for trying to keep traffic safe in that <br />area. Personally believe we should close it and pass on some <br />of this responsibility to the County and the State. Particularly <br />the County has been ducking responsibility. DNR still not acting <br />quickly enough. <br />
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